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  1. I haven't a clue. i haven't touched any of that since getting the laptop a year ago. i can chech and get back to you on that. However, a thought struck me. what would happen if the monitors cable were loose and if the bios (I resume, i have no idea in reality.) had a set voltage too much and the laptop shuts off, like a surge protector. My question, or thought, is how much voltage does the monitor take to power, and if that is absent and the voltage settings are set in the bios, would the computer turn off because the computer was getting too much power that wasn't being used due to the monitors faulty cable? I apologize if I am rambling.
  2. Hey all, im hoping i can get some help here. I have a 170km-g, and i have run into a rather strange issue. i am having some power problems. still trying to lockdown some specifics, but here's what I got so far. First, the laptop WILL NOT turn on if it is plugged in with both chargers. (keyboard lights up for three seconds and then everything shuts off.) It will turn on, but only when unplugged, and it still charges from from the ac adapters. so they work. I did manage at one point to get laptop to turn on when using just ac power. removed the battery. However, haven't been able to repeat that feat since. it now defaults to the first problem. strangely enough, if I am playing a gpu heavy game, and the battery (still trying to lockdown the actual percentage) is at or below 68% i can plug in both ac adapters and it will not turn off but begin operating as normal. (normal fps boost when plugged in included.) the other issue i have had in the past, maybe it is related, is that the screen would turn black when adjusting the angle. That is not new and has come and gone. some times weeks past before that issue crops up again, but the battery issue is new. Anyway, I am wondering if something has affected my bios. i haven't tampered with it at all, but i the only reason i can thing the laptop would shut off and yet stay off in such specific circumstances is if it is getting too much power when not actively playing a game. However, this issue is beyond my scope. never encountered a problem like it before, and I am hopeful/curious to hear all of your thoughts.
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