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  1. Thank you for the article, I had not seen that one.
  2. Does anyone know for sure if our CPUs in the M18 r1 and r2 are affected by the Intel ordeal? From what I found pretty much any intel CPU in the 13th and 14th gen that uses more than 65 watts is affected by this, mobile or desktop. Intel is supposed to be releasing a microcode update for the chips but that would have to pass through Dell? that means the new locked out bios would have to be used...
  3. Nice! I hope Dell gave you a free upgrade for your troubles.
  4. Anyone have any recommendations for a cooling pad? I currently am running a Cooler Master Notepad U3 without fans. Removed the fans a while back when I got it for my Alienware 17in (ranger) I found the fans to do nothing for the overheating cpu. I still have the fans beating around somewhere, I thought about trying them out on the m18 but thought maybe there was something better out there. Thanks all!
  5. hmm, I don’t think I have that intel audio stuff installed. Did swapping out the LM fix your issue?
  6. That is unfortunate… to say the least… is that intelligo stuff for the Igp or audio? I have the igp disabled and anything with virtualization turned off in bios. Which could be why I’m not having the issue. But if it would help I could turn some stuff on and see if my end has issues.
  7. Interesting, mine went up 300-500 poionts. havn't checked wattage used while gaming yet. ill do that today. EDIT: GPU Used to hit 176w now max i could get out of it is 168.55w CPU is more or less the same. but i have max temp set to 85c EDIT 2: Ran 3dMark and got it to hit 176w again.
  8. YET another Bios, This one isn;t listed as critical... https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=8wg0h&oscode=w2021&productcode=alienware-m18-r1-laptop
  9. I don't remember if thats the same one i was getting but most of my bsod had to do with undervolting/overclocking.
  10. Glad to hear you got that sorted out… hope it stays that way.
  11. I wonder if it’s a issue with throttle stop and whatever they changed? I just used the uv unlock and xtu only. It seems to do something. I still get 31000 with tcc set to 85. But I’m still on 1.9 Have you also tried turning off all of the virtualization settings? Unless you use them, then that wouldn’t help either way.
  12. I totally agree. It’s one awesome performing machine… when it’s operating correctly. It has taken a lot of messing around to get it “stable.” Way more than someone paying 3k for a laptop should have to. but when it’s good it’s great. Haha……. 😂…😢 I finally got my m18 to about where it should be and was hesitant to install the latest bios. I used that guide you posted to get the uv capabilities back. This cpu undervolts differently than any other cpu I have messed with… Have you tried going back to 1.9?
  13. Interesting. It's almost like they want their high end mobile chips to underperfom.
  14. https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/product-support/servicetag/0-M2N5QjU2WHVhZWE2L3RFYmV1WmdZUT090/drivers Another Bios. I have not installed it yet. Says it can't be downgraded once installed.
  15. I was in a similar boat which lead me here also. So, don’t worry, you’re home now! 😃
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