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Everything posted by Popcan

  1. No, I set my keyboard color scheme and deleted AWCC. Haven’t had it for well over a year. Besides TCC and power setting in bios everything is default. The only downside to not having AWCC is not having fan control. It doesn’t ramp up how I’d prefer but it works. every bios update I check r23 to make sure it didn’t kil my uv. But from what I can tell, all of my issues have been with Awcc and how it interacts with the bios.
  2. It was working for me on the R1. I have overclocking enabled in bios but I left everything on default. In performance mode set in bios. All I changed in bios was the thermal limit. Set to 15. Awcc would mess with any settings I set and would get stuck in balance mode often. I couldn’t use awcc and throttle stop. Awcc would break the bios settings pretty much. I would have to revert to default and then reset the bios. I am on the latest bios for my r1. I did get an early build of the r1, so maybe there is something else going on on the hardware side I don’t know. I also confirm my under volt with r23 scores.
  3. I use Throttle Stop. I have an R1 and the bios overclocking/undervolting has been hit and miss. I have ThrottleStop run at boot that adjusts my voltage down and I have my temps set to 80c -15 in bios. still creeps up to the 90s though. It is what it is. I used the honeywell phase pads and love it so far. its all I use anymore. Only other thing is to crank your fans to max when gamin with a custom fan curve in the AWCC. However I stopped using the AWCC as it causes issues with changing power settings. It might be fixed now or better on the R2 but I dont use it. I'm always plugged in.
  4. Its embedded in the bios and cannot be turned off until it has boot. It is annoying.
  5. If you are asking if it will hurt it to run it without a shield, the answer is no *. The * being it will run hotter and possibly shorten its life overall if used hard. They will throttle and lower speeds if they get too hot. The airflow is quite good internally. I run one of mine without a cover but its just used for games. Its a risk i'm fine with, I don't keep anything important on them. both of my smaller drive don't have a cover either. all in all it probably has a very small effect on keeping them cool but i'm not an engineer and have not looked into it or tested anything. but I have been rocking my setup for 2 years with no issues. Cheers!
  6. Thank you for the article, I had not seen that one.
  7. Does anyone know for sure if our CPUs in the M18 r1 and r2 are affected by the Intel ordeal? From what I found pretty much any intel CPU in the 13th and 14th gen that uses more than 65 watts is affected by this, mobile or desktop. Intel is supposed to be releasing a microcode update for the chips but that would have to pass through Dell? that means the new locked out bios would have to be used...
  8. Nice! I hope Dell gave you a free upgrade for your troubles.
  9. Anyone have any recommendations for a cooling pad? I currently am running a Cooler Master Notepad U3 without fans. Removed the fans a while back when I got it for my Alienware 17in (ranger) I found the fans to do nothing for the overheating cpu. I still have the fans beating around somewhere, I thought about trying them out on the m18 but thought maybe there was something better out there. Thanks all!
  10. hmm, I don’t think I have that intel audio stuff installed. Did swapping out the LM fix your issue?
  11. That is unfortunate… to say the least… is that intelligo stuff for the Igp or audio? I have the igp disabled and anything with virtualization turned off in bios. Which could be why I’m not having the issue. But if it would help I could turn some stuff on and see if my end has issues.
  12. Interesting, mine went up 300-500 poionts. havn't checked wattage used while gaming yet. ill do that today. EDIT: GPU Used to hit 176w now max i could get out of it is 168.55w CPU is more or less the same. but i have max temp set to 85c EDIT 2: Ran 3dMark and got it to hit 176w again.
  13. YET another Bios, This one isn;t listed as critical... https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=8wg0h&oscode=w2021&productcode=alienware-m18-r1-laptop
  14. I don't remember if thats the same one i was getting but most of my bsod had to do with undervolting/overclocking.
  15. Glad to hear you got that sorted out… hope it stays that way.
  16. I wonder if it’s a issue with throttle stop and whatever they changed? I just used the uv unlock and xtu only. It seems to do something. I still get 31000 with tcc set to 85. But I’m still on 1.9 Have you also tried turning off all of the virtualization settings? Unless you use them, then that wouldn’t help either way.
  17. I totally agree. It’s one awesome performing machine… when it’s operating correctly. It has taken a lot of messing around to get it “stable.” Way more than someone paying 3k for a laptop should have to. but when it’s good it’s great. Haha……. 😂…😢 I finally got my m18 to about where it should be and was hesitant to install the latest bios. I used that guide you posted to get the uv capabilities back. This cpu undervolts differently than any other cpu I have messed with… Have you tried going back to 1.9?
  18. Interesting. It's almost like they want their high end mobile chips to underperfom.
  19. https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/product-support/servicetag/0-M2N5QjU2WHVhZWE2L3RFYmV1WmdZUT090/drivers Another Bios. I have not installed it yet. Says it can't be downgraded once installed.
  20. I was in a similar boat which lead me here also. So, don’t worry, you’re home now! 😃
  21. Hopefully, this is in the right section… Ive been looking for a handheld or portable video player for kids, something with a simple interface. I am aware of cheap mp4 players off of eBay and the like, but those often have hoops to jump through as far as getting the media to work. I am hoping to find something that I can hook up to a pc as external storage. Like a portable dvd player with a hard drive and will play most video formats. I have tried tablets in the past and it has always been more of a hassle than it’s worth. My wife recently has been letting our kids watch videos off of an old iPod and it has been working perfectly. Again though the issue comes with iTunes being somewhat finicky a loading videos on it. But this might be what I end up doing. Asking to see if anyone had any other ideas. Thank you!
  22. Shows up on my end. Working on safari and brave browser. 🤷‍♂️
  23. That's what it was. I was trying out OCLV2 and it had been fine for a while now getting 31000 on cinebench with tcc set to 15. But after the bios update I started blue screening.
  24. After my post last night, I ran into that as well. just clicked factory defaults and then reloaded my custom settings after boot. I feel like with all of this nonsense Dell is putting us early adopters through, they should have at least given us the better charger... -_-* Since the bios update to 1.9 I have had a BSOD for CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT as well as Chrome has started crashing for STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION. I do not know if this is the bios or windows or something else. The only thing I changed was the Bios. Could be totally unrelated, I am running a debloated version of windows 11.
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