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  1. I recall some people having fan issues with the 980m in the m18x r2 and m18 back in the day, while they were figuring it out Hwinfo was a fairly slick way to control the fans...
  2. Using the windows settings worked for me.... is there a specific application that user bench uses for the gpu test that you could add to the windows gpi priority settings? Reinstalling the games that didnt work have solved my other crashing issues.
  3. $350USD...should have it today. Had crashing with sli enabled for a long time, swapped my cards around, tried my 7970ms in crossfire same thing, cleaned the mxm slots, eventually it wouldnt boot with anything in the second slot. Hopefully I an get it fixed to have as a spare!
  4. Yes this works I got the graphic switching part sorted now, pity that the nvidia control panel switching is now completely useless. Witcher 3 starts on integrated graphics but still not dedicated, NFS16 refuses to start at all, thinking there is something else at play... just odd that its happened since swapping in the 1080/using SG graphics. I have no dxdiag errors, removed all mods, 1080 clocks do jump when both are launch and gpu-z sometimes detect power limit... will see what a fresh install of windows will do, I'll outa ideas.
  5. Yep I sure will, I'm just waiting on a new mobo to come in this week, mine wont boot up with anything in the secondary slot. So was there any potential solution for the constant power draw of the nvme adpater?
  6. I have tried both global and individual applications
  7. I have an aetina 1080 in M18x, so far it has been running as well as can be expected but, some games run on intergrated graphics most notably witch 3 and NFS16 while others like Crysis 3, Shadow of Mordor and benchmarks run just fine. I have tried a few different driver versions, laptop power plan is set to high performance, in the nvidia control panel: setting the graphics processor to high performance, cuda cores processor to 1080 and switching power plan between max performance, optimal and adaptive makes no difference. Only things I havent done is change the intel drivers or reinstall games/windows. Has anyone else had this upgrading to a gpu that requires SG graphics and is there another way to force the dedicated gpu to run?
  8. That did the trick! So the other thing to check is that there maybe multiple inf files for a vendor/manufacturer
  9. Can anyone shed some light on how to inf mod nvidias lastest drivers? I am trying to get 511.79 work for my m18x r2 and gtx 1080. The nvdmi.inf for dell/alienware is not in the driver fold so i tried modding the next closest one: nvd... something-something which looked right based on the 1028 vendor code in the file. I run DDU and disable signature driver on startup, the installer runs but fails right at the end with message saying incompatible hardware and version of windows.
  10. All good I know what its like, I'm still figuring the exact lengths I need. Time is always a stuggle, pretty sure I have done most my work on this project at 1am with a newborn in one arm, pencil, ruler and coffee in the other 😂 A long heatpipe should be no issue, hardest thing is ordering an exact length and determining what the length will be once bent, I'm not 100% on the gain I'll get having never bend these pipes before. Are you ok with being 10mm or so short? Too long is an issue atleast in the m18x... there is no extra room to play with. Can you sneak the heatpipe over the card rather than going all the way round? Like this?
  11. I seen this before but thanks for putting it up, haha I've thought about it, and may try it one day, for now I got my hands full with standard heat pipes and getting the skills/design for this kind of thing!
  12. @rocasThere should be enough room to run at least 2 heatpipes next to the nvme drive. Will need to get some temps of the nvme drives and some testing to see if there is any benefit cooling it on the cpu or gpu heatpipes, I have had my 3920xm over 90C when overclocking it and I dont really want the nvme driver to act as a cooler for my cpu!! I'm not really worried about the mxm connectors, there is at least 4mm clearance so nothing should touch them. It wont be quiet to the level of the water cooled M18x, I for sure dont have that capability at the moment. And I'm not to keen on having all 3 in 1 peice for the difficulty of making and also practicality of working just the cpu or gpu.
  13. What heatsink combination would you be interested in, standard heatsinks or dual gpu or cpu heatsink?
  14. Can bend the heatpipes with an internal bend radius of 2x pipe diameter and flatten to 2mm so long as I preheat them... when you have figured your lengths I'll add them to my orders
  15. @ssj92Yes no chassis mods is the plan! Thats a good idea... my concern would be the cpu heating m.2 drive unnecessarily if running a heatspreader directly to the heatpipes of the cpu... some testing required. How hot is yours running at the moment? Is there any room under the keyboard for a heatpipe to fit on the m.2 drive?
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