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Precision M6700 owner's thread

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Weird, after installing the M5000M and 3940XM, my machine refuses to even POST if I connect the ribbon left on the palmrest labelled "media".

It goes into some kind of failstate with the CPU fan going to 100% and then the machine reboots.




OK, found out the problem, one of the contact pads in the ribbon was bent backwards, fixed.

Runs like a champ now with the 3940XM / M5000M combo. Installed the latest driver using NVcleaninstall and adding the device ID:




This is with +135MHz on the core clock, can't go any higher in Afterburner. The temps are amazing too, card is running inthe 60*C range under full load.

I repadded it using 1.5mm Arctic thermal pads and also repadded the CPU VRM part and added some thermal putty between the PCH and the heatsink. No idea what they were trying to achieve by having a bare bit of aluminum hanging above the PCH without a thermal pad inbetween.

I've seen it on both of my 6700's already.


I was also looking at swapping the screen bezel for a one with the webcam and it looks like there must be some interconnect board in the lid itself as the webcam model doesn't have any extra cables going to the mainboard.

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