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Alienware M18X R2 1 beep = problem with the BIOS right?


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I have bought a new Alienware M18X R2 from a seller, specs are unknown.


Seller sent me a video about the issue. The keyboard lights up and the computer does one beep, pause one beep, pause, one beep...


According to Dell it's a problem with the BIOS?


I've seen on forums many users with M17X and M18X fixed the issue by flashing a new bios using CH314A USB.


If that's the case, the computer I bought only needs a new reprogramming to the BIOS? Right?


Does someone know where to find clean binary files for the BIOS and EC for the M18X R2 please?

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Download the original Alienware unmodded A03 bios from Dellat Drivers and Downloads | Dell [united States] The file is named "M18R2A03WIN"

Extract the contents of M18R2A03WIN to a new folder named "Alienware recovery" anywhere on your useable computer. In there you should have a bunch of files. (9 in total)

Look for the one called QBR10EC.fd

Rename this file to M18R2.hdr

Place the file M18R2.hdr on a formatted fat32 usb stick on its own.

Thats it. Blind created


Recovery process:

To do the recovery process you need to remove your m18x r2 battery.

Unplug the back power cord as well

Plug the usb stick with the file M18R2.hdr in the M18X's e-sata port

Now hold down the END key (located above the numbers key pad) at the same time while your holding the END key plug in the power cord only, you will hear the fans turn on full bolt.

Release the end key and wait

After a few seconds once the file is read from the USB stick you will hear 20 or 30 beeps (sounds like a garbage truck reversing)

After the beeps stop the m18x will shut down and reboot itself. ( 1 or 2 times depending)

Once reboot all will be back to normal A03 bios.

Connect the battery back if you wish after successful boot.. That's all folks, things should work now unless you bricked the EC controller, which is hard to do.

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2 Beeps on Dell Studio 540 indicates Memory or Memory slot failure. I would suggest you to remove and reseat the memory on the system to check if the beep codes disappear. If two or more memory modules are installed, remove the modules, then reinstall one module and restart the computer. If the computer starts normally, continue to install additional memory modules (one at a time) until you have identified a faulty module or reinstalled all modules without error.

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But that's one beeping! Not 2. I will try firstly to clear the CMOS then play with the RAM.


If same 1 beep then I'll do the "blind flash". 


I remember some people bricking their laptop and NOT hearing the one beep, it just shut downs... No beeps, just power and shuts down...

Edited by SuperMG3
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