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  1. Hi plz I need some help i found used msi titan gt80 (i7 5th gen/gtx 980m sli) then can I scavenge the gpus to upgrade my dead gtx 970m on CLEVO P751DM-G are they compatible i need help to make the purchase or not.
  2. Hello Sorry for spamming I just didn't like to create a new thread long story short I found an old MSI GT80 with 980m sli and i want to scavenge the gpus for my clevo P751 DM-g are they compatible with my laptop ?
  3. Cheap heatsink can be found on taobao where you can negotiate the price or you can contact @ViktorV He knows some contacts they may provide heatsinks with good quality and good price for the aliexpress one I saw a russian guy on youtube with the same laptop under the name Hasee ZX10 tried the aliexpress heatsink and because of the poor contact it became a piece of junk not usable
  4. take a look on this water cooling mod using a ram waterblock to cool his cpu and gpu NO SOLDERING needed
  5. And u keep it for ur self all this time 2 great mods what a selfish man lol 🤣 🤣 For the results I think you could do better with more sophisticated mod I know u kept things simple as much u can from what a saw but nothing to say good job man good job
  6. Hi man great job there such mod makes me say we need more BGA CLEVO laptops LONG LIFE DTRs @Developer79 take a look 👀
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