Windows Spotlight has been working for me for quite some time now. I tried everything, but eventually a Windows Update fixed the issue and it works fine now. I have zero problems with Windows 11 on the 7730.
WOW - I am only jealous, but three M.2 PCIe of 8TB in one laptop. THAT IS NUTS!! I love it, want it but wow.....
I wonder what our children will find nuts when they are our age....
I think it is brilliant that the Dell forums have moved here to this far cleaner Invision system. I am sure there will be some things we miss from the old NBR forums, I look forward to reading posts here. That said, I do hope that at some stage the forum wizards will:
1) Add a favicon, so is easier to spot in my bookmarks
2) Enable us to log in with our user name and not our email address.
continue if you have any requests....
Just an update on this. My Windows Spotlight (the lock screen picture that Microsoft changes daily) on my 7730 started working again all of a sudden. As that was the only thing really bothering me about the Windows 11 upgrade, it has now gone. 😃
I upgraded both computers, ccvortex.
I know it is silly, but I was very happy to see that you do not have to have the start menu in the bottom middle of the screen. You can select to have it where it normally is. Don't know why so many media were so excited about the middle screen option.
I upgraded both my 7730 and 5370 to Windows 11 and have no problems other than Spotlight not working on the Precision. Other than that, the only issues were so minor they are not worth mentioning. Everything works as I expect.