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Everything posted by Pfudaniel

  1. About bios, i got a origin kmg. With origin bios. No issues with anything. But is the xmg bios better? What about the unlocked one
  2. Goodday folks! its been a journey to try to get the smg bios adjusted to native support the 3080 card. i have checked and asked multiple modders for this but they all seem to have no interest for this, including prema. we as a community try to get this card working in the SMG without this many issues. For some it works better then others but its not flawless. Theres only 1 way to get this done right and it requires a bios modification. With this topic im trying to get as many heads together and see if we can get it done with each other and the help of those with the knowledge thats missing. 3080 with x170smg has no tdp boost and gsync works half( gsync isnt that important ). Id wud be great if we can get it to work without the need of INF modding and the boost to work.
  3. We need @ViktorV or @dsanke to help with this quest it seems. ive tried asking araund but its a dead end
  4. this is timespy on the 11th gen with 3080. Watercooled as u can see the temps stay very cool.
  5. Goodday notebook forum! Im looking to sell a perfectly working rtx 2080super. Can provide benchmarks or what u need to see since its still in the system! im open to offers. And willing to sell for a fair price ( i dont need top dog money for it ) im in europe but can ship overseas
  6. What does this mean? They have a upgrade ready?
  7. Indeed score is pretty good. Specially since all stock. With prema bios tweaks it wil perform much highe
  8. Ur score is actually pretty damn good lol. Id leave it as it is for now. until we manage to modify to bios
  9. It is possible only 150w tdp. when i tested i only checked in nvidia panel and it showed 165w but im not sure if this actually gives 165w. for gsync it shud work cause i dont use external screen and it clearly showed gsync. anyway use the nvdispig inf i sended u and try again
  10. Goodmorning guys. U all are lucky! I have time today 😂. Send me ur hardware ID of the gpu i will edit the inf file for you ok. For the future we need to tigh our skills and edit the bios so we all can enjoy installation without hassles. If anyone got knowledge/ skills and wants to earn a donation to edit the bios. Pm me aswel, further details will be discussed in person as i believe some creators wud appreciatie this.
  11. Oef thats a tough one! No paste, might have cooked it! U can measure the coils in ohms mode with multimeter and send me a picture of measurements. Pm it to me, i actually repair laptops for a living 😅
  12. This is possible indeed, if u dont have prema bios its recommended to use xmg one anyway.. unless u wanne use dsanke unlocker. But yeah lets see
  13. Yeah im using the bios from prema….
  14. There is also a more eazy way, and that is to edit the vbios of the card to trick the laptop to think its a 2080 card. Il check it out what wud be best 🙂
  15. Yeah u can use dispig.inf no problems its the same as if u use nvcvi. i have done nothing to it. It might have to do with the bios that's on the machine or the screen itself. But yeah if its not in ur bios u need to edit the bios for it. Wich is a very complicated job but possible to do so, i cud check the coming days if u guys want and provide one. This was my plan at first anyway but after install it was not needed so i did not bother
  16. Today i will upload compared benchmarks with exact same specs except cpu 11gen vs 10 gen. kmg origin vs smg prema 🙂
  17. Goodday guys! I got a second ztecpc x170smg with prema bios! If anyone is interested PM me!! Its for sale 🙂
  18. Wich one shud i keep ? I cant decide what wud be better overal….
  19. Sure i can do some this weekend. Im in a dilemma tho! I baught 2 x170 barebone. 1x 170sm-g (ztec) with prema bios and 1x x170km-g (origin ). wich one shud i keep and use 😅
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