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Everything posted by Pfudaniel

  1. Ps hybrid heatsinks are on discount now
  2. Hype!!! Soon all gonne enjoy the 3080๐Ÿ˜‚!. Btw ive done some research. Its eazier to edit the vbios from the gpu itself and change the subid to trick nvidia driver so it can automaticly install. Editing dsdt ( in laptop bios ) is a pain, but il check as soon heatsink comes what wil be the best way
  3. Haha yeah probably! Unbeatable price!
  4. Theres a guy a ebay where i got it from. Pretty cheap and he got plenty stock still! It wil workout! I expect friday for the heatsink to arrive ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Thanks maxx! happy it arrived in 1 piece!
  6. Gpu arrived! Thing looks brand new and unused. tomorrow the 2x16gb gskill 3200mhz wil arrive together with fresh cryosheet. Just waiting for heatsink. il post asap it arrives.
  7. Waiting for heatsink/gpu stil to arrive. Doing it with the 2070 thats inside now ive tried boot order but there is nothing in it.. also reset to default settings i already tried. Direct boot from file also doesnt work ๐Ÿง nvm i forgot i used the stick for a windows 7 install and it was set to mbr ๐Ÿ˜… working now this laptop got a 240hz gsync screen in it
  8. Wel i received the laptop today. For some reason i cant install windows. Boot device missingโ€ฆ Ive tried to adjust some security settings but no progress. ssd is seen in bios but thats about it. anything im missing here?
  9. Wil post and update asap parts have arrived! Gonne use cryosheet first and check temps. If im happy i wont replace otherwise il try ptm
  10. Thanks i already was in contact to him and indeed it shud work just fine :). Thanks tho for the headsup! No gsync is fine im not to bothered for that! Im preparing myself as much i can for when it all arrives . So yeah any info is welcome to this part ofcourse๐Ÿ™ thanks
  11. I believe it shud be just plug and play? I baught the aftermarket heatsink ( air / water for 2000/3000 series
  12. Thanks il be posting as soon i receive the parts! Either way i can microcode to edit the bios if needed. But it shud not be needed :).
  13. Seems unlikely if u ask me. Sure g-sync might not work but for the rest it shud actually. Id assume just a inf edit wil do its job. Or a change in code from bios to whitelist the gpu. remember u can even put a 3080 in p870 or p775 without to much problems.
  14. Why is it not good for the SM-G ? awsome i got some kryosheet still!
  15. So 3080 in the sm-g is a problem ? I just baught al of that and waiting for arrival..
  16. Just baught a x170sm-g from XMG second hand barebone. i managed to get a 3080 and a i9-10900k. also baught the water/air heatsink from ali since the 30series needed a new heatsink anyway ( from km-g ). waiting for parts and everything to arrive now๐Ÿ™ Wanted to know what ram i cud best run on it. And is the prema bios anywhere available now or is it stil lockedout and hidden? Shud i go for kryonaut grizzle paste of kryosheet or ptm ?
  17. Do u sell ur x170? Id be very intrested for it!
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