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Ryo Hazaki

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Everything posted by Ryo Hazaki

  1. Yes, I'm putting the laptop in safe mode, running DDU, restarting with Driver Signature Enforcements disabled, then installing the driver with NVCleanstall.
  2. @ssj92 Unfortunately, no😥. I watched your guide, and I'm pretty sure my noonbness caused me to enter something incorrectly😂🤣. For example, for the Nvidia driver 536.09 hotfix, I'm pasting this into the [Strings] section of the nvdmig.ini: NVIDIA_DEV.1BA1.05AB.1028 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070" - and I post this into the [NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.10.0...14393] [NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.10.0...17098] sections respectively: %NVIDIA_DEV.1BA1.05AB.1028% = Section036, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13D8&SUBSYS_05AB1028 When I try to install the driver I get the "Install cannot continue," hence my use of NVCleanstall. Here's my Device ID for reference:
  3. @Maxware79 Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the moment, as I'm unsure of which version I should download. I see some that had the desktop version, so I excluded them. Is there a specific one you'd recommend? For example, here are some with the DELL card vendor, that I found with the ID of 10DE 1B81: https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/249325/249325 https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/204907/204907 https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/188490/188490 https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/207459/207459 https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/209779/209779 and from the ALIENWARE vendor, I see, all with the same Device ID https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/209778/209778 https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/249964/249964 https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/233175/233175
  4. @Maxware79 Thank you for that information! I've searched and come up with the following info: and saw this vBIOS: https://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/?architecture=NVIDIA&manufacturer=Dell&model=GTX+1070&interface=&memType=&memSize=&since= Would it work or is there another vBIOS that you'd recommend? (Please bear with me as I'm a noob and trying to absorb this as quickly as I can.)
  5. @Maxware79 🙏pray tell, do you know where I can find an unlocked a12 BIOS, that isn't an MSI version? Is there a way to tell the one I used here, https://notebooktalk.net/topic/161-unlocked-bios-for-laptops/is an MSI version?
  6. ...😥unfortunately, still having the same problems. As game's freeze while playing. I did some noob investigating, and was informed that my "Core Clock" is off, and to try ensure I'm installing the correct driver. I've included the card info from Nvidia Inspector, the Device Manager hardware ID, and reposting my NVCleanstall below, for reference. Also, I've downloaded drivers from this link: https://www.nvidia.com/download/find.aspx. Do I need to repaste? Do I have a defective or fake 1070? Did I mod the .inf incorrectly? I'm @ loss here, please advise😥
  7. @Reciever Thank you for responding so quickly🙏. Is the following what you mean by whitelisting?
  8. Hello again. I'm noticing the games are freezing. For example GR Breakpoint freezes, Spiderman Remastered is giving me a DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG report, and RDR2 will not start. Do I need to repaste the 1070 or could there be another issue? I've ran a benchmark test and it doesn't finish, as seen here: Thank you for reading😊
  9. My first tries with .inf modding were unsuccessful, and using NVCleanstall were good, yet Ghost Recon Breakpoint started suttering, and I even got a "blue screen of death" error😬. Watched a few more guides and came up with this:
  10. @Maxware79 @TruenoG7 Thank you for your guidance. I followed the .inf modding, and NVCleanstall guide to the best of my noob ability😂, I'll post the results soon...
  11. Hello👋👋again. Well so far so good. I do have a few questions though. In my device manager it doesn't show the name of the card, as it only shows as "Nvidia Graphics Device." Also when checking the GPU Activity, I see the message that there are no displays connected to the GPU. What did I do wrong? Please see the following pictures for reference and
  12. MAJOR UPDATE #2: ITS' ALIVE!!!! ITS ALIVE!!!!! I installed the driver incorrectly via NVCleanstall. Here's the correct way here: Now, the driver is installed and working, as seen here:
  13. MAJOR UPDATE: I recorded the steps and everything worked as far as installing the BIOS'. However, putting the BIOS in iGFX doesn't recognize the Nvidia card. When I put it in SG mode it does show in device manager. As seen here: . Now the problem I have is that I've modified the driver via NvCleanstall, yet it doesn't install. Please help!!!!😪😥
  14. @Jerryzago thank you for the correction on the slang term 😂. I'll be sure to record the process, and post it on my YouTube channel for those interested. I hope this is successful
  15. @Jerryzago Thank you for your guidance. Yes, this Alienware is SLI, as it originally had two 765m's. So with this new information I'll write out the steps again. (I'm also writing them for others who may go through the process in the future.) So, here we go... I have to downgrade to the official A12 BIOS first Install the unlocked A12 BIOS, using the method shown here: *(if successful) remove the current drivers with DDU Reboot and set the bios to iGFX, (not SG) . (I hope I'm receiving the correct heatsink)Then install the 1070. If it fails (fingers crossed) then I'll have to do a blindflash (there goes that slang again🤣) with the A03 bios https://drivers.softpedia.com/get/BIOS/Dell/Dell-Alienware-18-BIOS-A03.shtml#download using the "recovery" method If that doesn't work I'll just have to sell the Alienware, and save up for my dream laptop, the Area 51m r2 with a 2080
  16. @Maxware79@Jerryzago Thank you for your guidance. So to make sure I'm understanding correctly, I'll write out my understood steps in bullet points here: I have to downgrade to the official A12 BIOS first **(As of this writing I have the A15 BIOS) Install the unlocked A12 BIOS, using the method shown here: *(if successful) remove the current drivers with DDU Reboot and set the bios to SG. (I hope I'm receiving the correct heatsink)Then install the 1070. If it fails (fingers crossed) then I'll have to do a blindflash (there goes that slang again🤣) with the A03 bios (still haven't found a link for this yet🤔) using the "recovery" method If that doesn't work I'll just have to sell the Alienware, and save up for my dream laptop, the Area 51m r2 with a 2080
  17. @Maxware79 Thank you very much for responding. Just for clarification these are the steps, as I understand them: **Sorry for the detailed list. I just really want to be sure I'm doing everything correctly, as I'm a newbie at this, and don't want to damage this PC.*** Turn off internet access (WiFi) Uninstall current 780m drivers with DDU, and reboot PC. Install the original A12 BIOS, and reboot PC. Now install A12 Unlocked BIOS, following the steps here: Shut down PC, install the new heatsink and the 1070 Start PC. If no beeps/boot is successful, turn on internet access WiFi install modified Nvidia driver, using DDU If I missed something please let me know. Thank you for reading 😊 .
  18. Hi @Jerryzago and @Maxware79 👋, I need some clarification. Do I have to use an A12 unlocked BIOS, or just a regular A12 BIOS? I'm new to this so the instructions were a bit unclear. So I did my research and found a helpful link (https://web.archive.org/web/20220125034002/http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/release-alienware-18-bios-a12-unlocked.802249/). I then downloaded the original A12 BIOS (https://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER03304100M/1/AW18A12.exe). I'm comfortable with tweaking Nvidia drivers, so I'm hoping that downgrading the BIOS won't be an issue once I get the heatsink. Could you help clear up the confusion for me? Thanks!
  19. I'll read through this thread: https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/alienware-18-and-m18x.1092/[SUCCESSFUL] Alienware 18 + MSI GTX 1070 MXM/
  20. @Reciever Thank you, I'll search the site to see if I can get in contact, and post my progress on my channel 😊
  21. @Reciever I really appreciate your reply. I'm hoping to figure out which BIOS I need and learn how to install it so I can move forward with installing the new heatsink and card. I'm really grateful for response. Thanks again😊😊😊
  22. Hey everyone! I'm hoping to find some guidance on how to properly update my Alienware 18 R1 from an Nvidia GTX 765m to a GTX 1070. After doing some research, I know that the laptop can support up to a Nvidia GTX 1070, and I'll need to downgrade the BIOS to an unlocked version. I've already purchased the card (https://www.ebay.com/itm/164357449828) and the heatsink (https://www.ebay.com/itm/264535254142). I'm aware that I'll get a beep if I put the card in as is, so I'm looking for somewhere I can find a modded BIOS and instructions on how to install it correctly. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
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