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Everything posted by unnoticed

  1. Doubtful it is real, its specified at being sold at 1kg or 300cc, its either a refill or fake. Original product safety spec sheet says it is composed of; aluminium cas 7429-90-5 zink oxide cas 1314-13-2 naphtha (petrolieum), hydrotreaded heavy cas 6472-48-9 also called ISOPARAFFIN L These are most commonly used as a screen printing product, being pre-applied to heatsinks. Its closest competitor is probably Dow Corning 5000 series which is also used for screen printing on oem heatsinks but being slightly under Honeywell in terms of thermal conductivity. IBM and now Lenovo had their heatsinks printed just like in the document below in a rectangle with small dots of thermal paste. I found something else while checking out my go to distributors. https://www.fischerelektronik.de/web_fischer/en_GB/heatsinks/E01.08/Thermal conductive paste and thermal interface film/PR/WLPK10/index.xhtml Either way, keep us posted ✌️ PTM79xx-SP-MSDS.PDF PTM7950-DS-R1-F.PDF HEM-TIM-Application-NoteSP-type.pdf
  2. I have to agree, in the spec sheet the polyester surfactant and polymeric dispersant are Trade Secret* and the other two ingredients are % by Wt CAS Number: 90 - 95 7440-44-0 Activated carbon and % by Wt CAS Number: 0.1 - 0.5 Trade Secret * 1333-86-4 Acetylene carbon black (100% compressed) Its a good generic thermal conductive paste but not great. Lifetime wise, sure it is a good thermal paste that age well because its carbon based. I can't speak for the bulk material because the solution is a trade secret. There are no diamonds by its definition how you would imagine sharp tiny stones in a grey paste thats gonna scratch your silicon, its a very low concentration of Acetylene carbon black which is highly conductive but again a very small quantity.
  3. Got a bit interested but why does their sefety data sheet list a 3M TCG-2035 thermal conductive grease? Oh. So it is a repacked 3M product SUPERIOR THERMAL PERFORMANCE- Engineered and made by 3M corporation to meet OEM specifications for the best combination of maximum performance and durability and is repackaged by Innovation Cooling. C of C available on request. https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/mediawebserver?mwsId=SSSSSuUn_zu8l00xM8t9lxtGOv70k17zHvu9lxtD7SSSSSS-- https://www.3m.com/3M/en_US/p/d/b5005035139/ All I know is that anything 3M good, can't fail 3M on anything I buy from them
  4. thanks....oh pressing the buy now button in my link sent me to amazon. I figured it would be free shipping as stated on their website if assumed it would be purchased through their own website.
  5. Where can I buy Thermalright TFX in Europe EU? Seem to be impossible to get my hands on it, buying it from US is not an option...that add up to $100 easily with import charges and VAT Only one I found is this vendor but I probably gonna be charged import charges https://www.kingfishercomputers.co.uk/shop/one-enjoy-thermalright-tfx-thermal-compound-paste-14-3-w-mk-carbon-based-high-performance-heatsink-paste-cpu-for-all-coolers-interface-material-2-g-with-tool/
  6. Voted for Notebookrevival.com mostly to hopefully raise awareness to old users to find their way back home. Me personally, I think efgxt is a bunch of random letters, if I loose my bookmark to this site I'm never gonna find this website again
  7. Not sure if its cke used for WYSIWYG functionality but is it possible to add/edit features?; Tables with cell edit functions Undo - Redo button Embed plugin for youtube video and other services Change default behavior of new line to simply make a new line + paragraph and not a new line + paragraph with a slight vertical space I keep using shift+enter to save space when I'm posting Like this:
  8. I used to be active both on Head-Fi and XDA. I stopped being active at Head-Fi a few years back, they changed the website some and I just felt lost. I was active at XDA in the beginning of android up until 2017-ish and then more sporadic. First they changed the default theme to an identical theme but narrow formatting, setting the theme to wide theme worked fine as long as you kept cookies for the site up until an admin messed up maintenance on default theme. They changed the default theme again to a more modern look. They tried to fix it but failed. Their fix was to be logged in and then setting the theme, saving the settings by profile instead of with a cookie...worked fine the first two or three times until theme reset to default again even signing in. Pissed me off because 1. Their new had a larger font, less content fit in the same space as the old narrow theme and even less than wide theme. 2. Their fix didn't work. 3. Then they started doing all this stupid redirects for market whatever in the app development section, xposed and magisk. These all required to use the new theme, otherwise you redirected to a page saying something like "this only work on the new theme". The final draw was the new xenforo platform. Yuk. I hardly visit xda anymore. Only browsing for device specific threads. The whole professionalism was lost after ~2015..just crap, noob posts and general support as opposed to actual modifying and low level risky stuff like S-OFF, bootloader reflashing, low level modifying partitions to run newer android versions...I don't remember everything but back then we actually hacked the crap out of our devices and wrote technical documentation and guides for my own use and contribution to our geeky community. Man the excitement and sweaty scared we all was, its the middle of the night and this command may fail and my phone may never start again. You don't get this excitement nowadays with android anymore. Most risky you might do is to put your phone in EDL mode.
  9. I had my eyes on the forum the last hours of the day of closure. A few minutes later I was met with the forum has been set to archive mode, then site under construction. And now this. Eh well it was fun while it lasted. Kind of threw me off with this whole thing...not feeling too enthusiastic writing anything, maybe it will pass I dunno. Hopefully most of old users will find this forum with time, it seems like its the best candidate out of all that popped up.
  10. More images: Dell Precision M4800 Released Oct 2013 Max cpu: i7-4940MX Max ram: 32GB 1866 MHz GPU options from factory: NVIDIA Quadro K1100M (2 GB GDDR5) K2100M (2 GB GDDR5) AMD FirePro M5100 (2 GB GDDR5) Review: https://www.notebookcheck.net/Review-Dell-Precision-M4800-Notebook.104416.0.html Owners manual: https://www.dell.com/support/manuals/en-us/precision-m4800-workstation/precm4800om/before-working-inside-your-computer?guid=guid-0fc4c1f0-96c6-48ac-87b1-f0f2b822ab9c&lang=en-us Dell Precision M4800 drivers: https://www.dell.com/support/home/en-us/product-support/product/precision-m4800-workstation/drivers Spare parts: https://www.parts-people.com/index.php?action=category&id=142&subid=457
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