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  1. With the prices today it makes overpriced gaming laptops look appealing. This one looks nice. https://www.ebay.com/itm/176822823409?_skw=msi+titan+18+hx&itmmeta=01JKF9MMP55CTQ83GY83B2H7TK&hash=item292b7629f1:g:9zIAAOSw5ABnR9yc&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKk1ZAuWDIokhf89LFusRENAsWuCdq2OuDs9cXwuhkVZDXKkAjHaLVYIJf%2BXZHjz9Oljr%2Bq%2FxRtaea%2FHujhKu3FPDsUFas0XrVHzLKPpImS74BeqMJ46wBYOvdzyQjm%2F5peykJPTAGMRsbhzAnqFKPeHpEdlyaZTc6RfX2cxCGgAr5p9bY7BYqrVMaayzWn%2FT5ErOHl3aALqmJP%2BAniAoj%2FRfF1ygi%2F3vPbf3cCpAR0iNjsCFNRxhsFQLGurdv4wgTX6G0IvJ0i%2BbdvrVVxIh8VoEqyPaJNEOrG8qLx2i2ztQQ%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR4bM0umbZQ
  2. Over $6,000! Ouch too rich for me! 🤕 I’d consider this combo though 😃 comes with a nice OLED monitor too! picture url
  3. It’s easy to snatch a 5080 on Newegg. Bots don’t want those lol. let’s you add to cart and everything.
  4. They should have just called it the RTX 5090 Limited Edition. That way, everyone would just be like damn yeah it’s super limited lol.
  5. I keep getting reeled in to the 5090 HUNT lol..I think I am done with trying to get one. I am wasting too much time on this. Just days in and out searching and refreshing and waiting lol. And then right when you think you got it, bots roll in and they crash a website completely. 🤣 This is literally the scummiest thing I have ever seen. Nvidia should move out of the doorway, and let some other company walk through and take things over. Because they just stand there and do nothing. This has been a legit paper launch. These new ways of GPU buying are ridiculous.
  6. It feels like Newegg is a gimmick. All of their URLS are pre-loaded for bot ready. Once something pops in stock it’s bought and sold out. The MSI Store is probably the better option I think. MSI store forces a captcha after like 15 minutes idle preventing bots. Unlike Newegg they just let people have a free for all. I feel like I’ve lost my enthusiasm for the 5090 lol.
  7. Kingdom Come Deliverance II is fantastic!!! It’s a game I just dump hours in. The 4090 averages like 90fps with DLSS Quality+4K. It’s a smooth runner. It’s a pure raster game, but still needs a strong GPU for 4K experimental settings. Probably one of the best first person RPG games ever made I think. They learned a lot keep the fundamentals all the same, improving graphics a little, but the main thing is how well it’s optimized. A game where the GPU usage actually locks at 99% no matter the situation, at all times. I don’t know how they made it run so good. Because the first one from 7 years ago can’t even run this good. Still trying to find a 5090 if possible. These new prices are terrible though.
  8. Daily routine: (1) Wake-up (2) Open browsers for Newegg, Bestbuy, B&H, MSI store, ZOTAC Store, and Nvidia store. (3) Hit refresh until “Add to cart” appears. 🥴
  9. They are some tricksters. Newegg did something like this to me yesterday lol. I thought I actually had one for a minute there!
  10. No love for the PS5 Pro? They look pretty good to me. But I haven’t owned a Sony since I was 12 years old, and that was a PS2 and GTA 3. I’ll never forget saving up the money to buy GTA3 at Toy’s R US, all they had was a used copy and the game was literally broken. 😞 the disc was damaged and you could only play to the part of “My hands are all Messed up so you better you drive brotha” 😂
  11. Well, we’ll be playing KDC2 at least lol. Maybe I’ll pick up a PS5 Pro to play GTA 6. Or maybe I will grab a PS8 by the time this game actually launches😂
  12. Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 launches tomorrow everyone!!!!! I have been waiting 7 years for this one. I just read a performance review of the game completely maxed out, and let’s just say the RTX4090 is strong to the BONE 💪 (I only saw a 4080 Super in the performance review, but based on what that thing does with no scaling and no frame gen, running 4K experimental graphics detail, the 4090 will CRUSH this title in 4K 😃 I figured this would be the case. This was really the main reason why I wanted a 5090 first and foremost and for future titles like GTA 6. But now I really kind of don’t care too much lol. The 4090 is still the ultimate in GPU power. I'm tempted to use some of my saved funds to finish my V3000+ case build and throw my 4090 on water cooling and just be done with the whole thing.
  13. Did you win the lucky ticket? MSI sent out emails today at 1PM EST. 😁
  14. I was not able to get one. But I’m becoming more patient as each day goes by, I’ve gotten over being mad and now just accept it for what it is like @electrosoft. I spent all of 01/30 searching high and low, I looked a little on 01/31 but didn’t take it seriously knowing they were all gone at that point by bots and scalpers. But now I accept that it’s probably going to be March/April before I can probably get one possibly June to be able to easily buy one at MSRP. I feel like Nvidia could do so much better, and their blatant stupidness to ask gamers how their DLSS4 experience was is absolutely laughable.
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