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Everything posted by Eban

  1. I should try that UAE. I think last time I tried it didn't work, I'd forgotten about it. My father didn't want to wait for delivery and drove 2600km (1620miles) to pick up a zorro II card and a 512k memory expansion from an A500 (turn it upside down it fit the A1000). Wow...memories. Saw my first mandelbrot set on amiga at the local users group....where we used to meet IRL
  2. Ok NOT specifically laptop software. But Im looking for advice on my throttlestop configuration. I think the basic setup is ok. The different guides Ive seen around can be a little out dated. Can you see something Im missing? Something to try for a little better performance? Suggestions? Thank you for your input Attached screen shots and logfile while playing Crysis remastered with everything set to 'can it run crysis' 2022-02-20.txt
  3. I have been umming and ahing about buying a "The C64" https://www.amazon.com/C64-not-machine-specific/dp/B08GMTJYXJ It could be fun but....not just yet (Think Id rather have my Amiga 1000 back)
  4. @Papusan Thank you! I am going to give that a try. Brand new cicichen 3pipe heatsink for my AW17.
  5. @Papusan Liquid metal "pre baking" ?? Hi my name is Eban and I'm an addict. LM fanboy I was scrolling through somewhere last night and can not find it again now...about pre baking LM? I missed the OP on old forum. Does anyone have an archive link (was it saved?) or willing to write up the cliffnotes? Thank you E
  6. Eban


    But which direction is it rotating? ie in the southern hemisphere water goes down drain in the opposite direction. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_force
  7. Man this is just hilarious...but I like the german birds better
  8. @Tenoroon Sorry I just found this in some of my files. I cant remember who posted this on the old NBR when I asked about liquid cooled AW 17. This is a pic of AW18 prototype that was apparently made but never produced. Maybe it will give you ideas? (If you havent seen it before that is)
  9. I stumbled upon this. Suddenly I have a yearning for German country...life I thought most German songs were just Rammstein played slower...this is is very cute.
  10. Private pilots license. Id like to fly a small cessna 172 or something similar just for fun. (Not really just fun..Im a closet prepper and having knowledge on how to fly a plane seems a wise investment to me). But I currently live in Japan (not my first choice being a prepper but hey..) and the language barrier in getting flight instructions seems a little...daunting. Guess I will just keep flying a PC simulator
  11. wouldnt the dot be a problem? https://www.nbr3.1b.net I also like that name
  12. I might wait a little for other suggestions (Im on +9hrs Japan time)....anyone?? I agree with @cucubits at moment...Liking Efgxt net or com I know its not really descriptive as a title.....mmmmm
  13. I cant remember who put it on the Old forum but this one still makes me laugh
  14. The P18e is just a model number. This laptop has different names depending where you are in the world, Ranger, 17, 17R1, M17X R5 all have P18e stamped on bottom cover. The motherboard on these has LVDS and EDP connectors If the current screen is LVDS then its 60hz You could buy 120hz screen and EDP cable, that might (or might not work) with Quadro card. @Mogrules named the correct EDP cable here https://www.nbrchive.net/xfa/alienware-17-and-m17x.1079/120Hz 3D Screen upgrade for Alienware 17 R1/
  15. If we are talking old school....then Mechwarrior 2 is my choice. I first bought this as DOS version then few months later Windows95 version was released. I played through 24hrs straight then walked outside and puked from motion sickness (the mech cockpit bounces ingame) Good old days
  16. I just downloaded. Will give it a spin this weekend. Thank you for the link
  17. Lemmings......wow. I used to play that on Amiga
  18. Ive lived in Japan 5 years now and I gotta say......Japanese people are weirder than those wtf Japan memes
  19. Yes I had forgotten that one.......and Im an original half life fan
  20. The first Jelly and Atom phone were 2.4" screens and typing was fine (and Ive got huge hands) it was things like navigation and google translate (the instant camera translate) that were problems. Jelly battery also was terrible. The Atom L or XL has 4" screen and I think thats a much better size all round. I will stick with this for a while.
  21. Eban


    I'm one of those weirdos that would love to take a one way trip to Mars https://www.msn.com/en-au/news/other/seeing-things-on-mars-a-history-of-martian-illusions/ss-AATtxlY?li=BB122uej#image=1
  22. I did a sideload of Quake (or maybe quake 2, dont remember) anyway the fast paced motion on that made me feel queasy real quick. Yes I have heard of Boneworks. I will try that and have a look for Zenith. Thank you for suggestions @HWI @Tenoroon @cucubits
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