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Everything posted by Eban

  1. Nice. Im interested in this, but thermal glue? Never heard of it. I looked on amazon and found it, now to order some copper pipe from my fav Chinese people.
  2. I believe and go with the philosophy that every person I meet, smart or dumb, weather I even like them or not, no matter their gender, religion, culture, upbringing, sexual preference or political bias, has "something"...that one speck of information they could teach me, that is worth me knowing. I just need to decide if I want to sort through their bull enough to find that one piece of valuable information
  3. Dunno, I just copy url and paste here.....what browser are you using? Is there anything in profile settings? Sorry I gotta go to work, I will look later.
  4. Delete Sorry i re-read your post and answer was there
  5. Looking forward to a review !?!?!
  6. Eban


  7. I must make confession here. I hate buying games based on the "movie trailers" and then find that game play is totally fecal in nature. Hence....I borrow games from my friend with an eye patch and try them out first, then buy my own copy if I like it. I gave up on Generation Zero and now testing Chernobylite. Reminds me of Metro 2033 and Metro Last light (both of which I bought) Trying to forget whats going down in EU right now and playing this Chernobyl game....idiot
  8. That there is the original NCC-1701 USS Enterprise from Startrek
  9. Hi Lostboy, got some interesting results to share with you. My final score... So I did 16 different tweaks following your settings. Shutting down PC totally (cold boot) between each test (I read somewhere ages ago Unclewebb said not to restart but fully shut down) I used Easy service Optimizer and closed all services I could, then used CCleaner and disabled everything I could from starting up (except throttlestop of course) I think malwarebytes wouldnt allow itself to be disabled. After opening CineBench20 I opened taskmanager and set the priority to realtime then closed taskman. 1st was a baseline for the settings I had already set. Next I downgraded to TS 9.2. My baseline score was 3130 and after using 9.2 I got 3107. Now a few points I wouldnt read into it but 23points was enough to reinstall 9.4.2 (I thought that was very interesting). My last couple tests were pretty similar CB score but I did manage to get a slightly lower stable undervolt. I didnt change the PROCHOT offset as I didnt get even close to cooking. So thanks again for your input, made me think of new things to try
  10. I agree with everything you just said.......but I couldnt help noticing the "turn it up to 11" reference This IS SpinalTap!
  11. Eban


    https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-03/space-junk-rocket-hurdling-towards-to-moon/10087749 @cucubits Get your camera ready...will strike on dark side but maybe some mushroom clouds
  12. Might be long to watch but very interesting!
  13. SPOILER ALERT if you havent seen the movie Demon Knight This is from my fav Billy Zane movie and made me buy a bass guitar to learn the chords. Its only thing i ever learnt on bass
  14. I like this....suits my mood right now
  15. Trying to play Generation Zero...but Im having a lot of game crashes
  16. oh man. Thats PERFECT!! thank you...makes a lot more sense now EDIT: now Im looking on feebay and Eurocom...and have a much better idea what Im looking at. Life saver!
  17. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/century-age-of-ashes This is more like a flight sim...but with dragons
  18. Sorry I cant help with vbios...but another suggestion. You dont have to actually "cut" the pwm wire...just jimmy it out of the plastic connector, then you can always push it back in later.
  19. I just went looking for that (out of curiosity).....Man that is beatiful I honestly dont know much about clevo, except their naming convention is incompressible. Does anyone know a good link for info on clevo laptops? naming, specs etc for a newbie. Now Im really interested. EDIT : oh thin and light Am I wrong to like THICK chicks
  20. Legend of Huma I think my fav game was Defender of the crown (which i recently noticed you can buy from GOG for windows) Im 50 dude (though still think im 17)
  21. @duskw4lker Ok, thank you for your reply I think my undervolt was close to max, any more and things would get a little tweaky. (although its been a while and that could have been my other pc) Anyway I will start trying your settings one by one, see what score I can get in cinebench.
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