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Everything posted by __starrify__

  1. FYI that the review has been updated yesterday with much further benchmark info. You may search for "2022.07.26 我又回来啦!" (without the quotes) on that page for new content. The op observed that the's a 55-watt power limit on the GPU (the op has got 7770 + A3000). The op mentioned that the issue was reported to Dell. Edited: To be precise, here the 55-watt limit happened during the op's dual-benchmark (CPU+GPU). The GPU alone may achieve higher power limit (115W?). Please see also @Aaron44126's post below. Sorry for any confusion. > 接下来让我们进入AIDA64 Extreme的双烤环节,此时CPU功耗在85W左右,温度95℃,全核稳定在2.8GHz。GPU功耗55W左右,温度74℃。 > 对,就是GPU锁定在了55W上不去 > 目前此现象已上报给dell,希望在下一版BIOS中能解决。
  2. I have to say that I used to be pretty much sure about getting a 7670.. yet there's much more tendency towards 7770 once I saw this.. still hesitating (thanks again @Dell-Mano_G)
  3. Hmm did you mean they don't exist on the quotes? I do observe estimated shipment dates from their web configuration pages, once a zipcode is given. Please see also the attached screenshots. Just in case it's a per-region behavior -- I'm visiting the Ireland region of Dell website.
  4. Seems not a problem here with the IE store. Could you check this https://www.dell.com/en-ie/shop/cty/pdp/spd/precision-16-7670-laptop/xctop7670emea_vp However still, Windows 11 is marked incompatible with i9 here as well. Edited: Hmm well, actually on the IE website (link above) an i9 is currently marked as being incompatible for both Windows 10 and 11. Was too careless to observe that as I went directly with the Linux configuration. 😅
  5. Hmm looks like Dell's own sales reps may be confused by their product naming conversion as well. Earlier I reached out to a Dell sales rep (Ireland/UK region) for information on the new Precision 7670/7770 models and possible dates to order. Without actual firm confirmation from my side (e.g. I didn't even specify the CPU / RAM / etc. hardware options) they sent to me a preview quote[1] earlier this week on 7770. [1]: Saying "preview" because I don't think their intention was to let me make an order -- the quote had a valid period for only one day. That was better than nothing after all, thus I felt happy. I responded to the sales rep, asking for a few changes including that they quote me for the 7670 model, since I'm more interested in this than 7770. It didn't took the sales rep too long to come back with a new quote (still valid for only 1 day if you wonder), reflecting all other changes I asked and was for Precision 7760. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
  6. The specs seem to be online again now. E.g.: - https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/workstations/technical-support/precision-7670-spec-sheet.pdf - https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/workstations/technical-support/precision-7770-spec-sheet.pdf I tried as well a few other random locales (en-uk, it-it, zh-cn, ja-jp, etc.) and they seem all working. I'm pretty much unclear of the reason behind, though. Maybe that was when Dell had minor adjustments to the spec sheets? Edited: There seems to be no change, at least for the 7670 spec (en-us) for the checksum remains the same as the file I downloaded a few weeks ago. The last modification date seems to be late April: $ pdfinfo ~/Downloads/precision-7670-spec-sheet.pdf | grep -i date CreationDate: Wed Apr 13 19:26:58 2022 IST ModDate: Fri Apr 29 19:38:37 2022 IST
  7. It seems that the 7670 spec sheet is no longer behind login: https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/workstations/technical-support/precision-7670-spec-sheet.pdf
  8. Thanks a lot for the update! 🙂 For this very line.. I for a few seconds thought there was a typo in the number. 🤦‍♀️ Edited: And that was merely for the 5xxx series, not even 7xxx. 🤔
  9. Thanks for the info! Also again, thank you and all other people who've been really helpful here. I feel very much the same, as I was surely not expecting 256GB of memory, nor any existing laptop memory module that comes in 64GB in capacity. I managed to locate the original post, which appeared in the news articles as a screenshot. That is from an SNS called "酷安", or "coolapk", and here I've got the direct link to that post: https://www.coolapk.com/feed/35058600?shareKey=ZWEzZTc0ZWM5MWQ0NjI1OTUzYTk~ The stupid thing, as with so many Chinese websites / services, is that they tend to favor a lot mobile applications over websites. Some may not provide a website at all, and some others, like this coolapk SNS here, shows comments only to users that use their mobile phone application. I therefore had to install their mobile app. Out of the existing comments, I found one conversation somehow useful to us, whose screenshot has been attached here: Quick translation of the comment thread: Apart from that, the OP does not have any other recent post on that topic. Edited: I went checking as well the ithome.com news article, where several people posted comments saying that the leak seems highly suspicious. Interestingly, this "yslalan" person is also among the commenting users there.
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