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About Katja

  • Birthday 03/02/2000

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    Purveyor of Practicality

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  1. Got a slightly defective Sony NEX-F3 camera body (have to restart camera after every shot), an old Pentax lens, and a K mount to E mount adapter. Takes some nice shots.
  2. Dealing with PSO2 burnout, so I'm starting on my backlog finally (which is EXPANSIVE). The two games I'm finally getting out of the way are NieR:Automata and CODE VEIN. I also started Metro Exodus, which has more progress than the other two, but I made the mistake of playing Enhanced Edition, so the framerate is a bit garbage. Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor is also ready to play. I have a lot of spare time, so I should be able to at least make a dent in my backlog while spring comes along and hopefully before the next sale.
  3. I've been listening to this on loop for a while, given the current state of my mental health and physical. It's calming, in a weird way.
  4. Activision's gotta prove themselves after launch before they get my money.
  5. It was working on a previous version of Proton after GameGuard for the global server got updated; you just had to enable casefolding on whatever file system the game was installed to, if it's EXT4 or F2FS. The patch is built into that version of Proton, making it WAY EASIER.
  6. Oh yeah, this had a power delivery failure and the system is done for now, until I can figure out a proper way to troubleshoot. Meh.
  7. Figure I'd toss a thread to start this since my girlfriend has given me full reign over her last two PCs and didn't have really anywhere else to post it. Top PC is her old main system, which after some digging had a Phenom II X4 955 with 8GB of DDR3-1333 and a Radeon HD 5850; something I thought was kinda neat. We booted it up and found two ancient installs of Kubuntu and Debian, probably that hadn't been touched since around 2012 (if file dates are anything to go by) and the clock was rather close to the current date and time. I haven't delved into the bottom PC, which was apparently originally a file server she had, but the most I know is that it's an AM3 platform system, which will be fun to figure out what specs it has; at some point I'll probably repaste the Phenom II and maybe the 5850 and repurpose it. We booted up the top system and found two ancient installs of Kubuntu and Debian, probably that hadn't been touched since around 2012 (if file dates are anything to go by) and the clock was rather close to the current date and time. Lots of old music and memes from 2010, some old game installs, and some other stuff. Really cool find. (screenshot taken with capture card via OBS) What other cool stuff have you dug up and looked at? Could be anything from a PC you found at a local thrift store, thrown out, in your closet, or otherwise!
  8. Pulled girlfriend's old PC out of the closet since I permission to use it as a project system and it's got like 4 sata drives, which I thought was kinda cool. Probably somewhere in the realm of like 6tb of storage if I had to guess. Oh, it also had some old versions of Debian and Kubuntu on it, oldest kernels being somewhere in the 2.6.x release area.
  9. Gonna note this at the start: price isn't too much of an issue for me, although if possible I'd like to keep under 200€ as much as possible. I got an AKG C3000 a couple of months ago before my move used and unfortunately it didn't come with the bundled shock mount, which is starting to bother me in a lot of ways. I'd like to buy one, but unfortunately I'm not having any luck finding one that ships to Spain, so I figured I'd turn here and see if anyone here would have either the H85 mount for it or something comparable to the C3000 as a microphone. For reference, I'd prefer it to be ideal to female vocals (for a given reason), and I'd be more than happy to cover shipping to here. Let me know if you have anything and maybe we can work out a price?
  10. On another note, I've officially had it with DIscord's radio silence (which to be fair, they aren't exactly great in general, but that's besides the point), and just posted a long "I'm not a dev but have somewhat of an understanding on some technology" rant telling them to at least address it. Screenshotting it here because I'm absolutely irritated with the lack of radio silence and that Wayland screenshare in general is just borked.
  11. I'm waiting on PSO2 maintenance to end. Meanwhile eating a borgar
  12. This is a bit more serious than I care to admit, but I'll just spoiler the text in case people flip shit; I'm handling it okay, but it's something I'll handle ok, since I have a history with it.
  13. Oh yeah, I'm aware. I'm not pressed for money, it'd be more of a "oh hey, people might want this in a pretty cool community, i'll offer it up here first" deal.
  14. This was what I was looking for, appreciate it a lot. I'm not really broke or anything, just kind of wanted an estimate so I could determine what to do with the card (currently a 3 way tie between VFIO, Plex encoding, and selling). Although honestly if I do sell it, I'll toss it up here for first dibs.
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