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  1. Hi guys, I'll share an update with you. My tech guy has solderded 6 brand new mosfets, as you can see in the picture below. As I've mentioned in the beginning of this topic, as soon as I've had the issue with this card, my laptop wouldn't power on anymore. In fact, my power supply would power off as soon as I plugged it into the laptop. Removing the card then, would make my laptop turn on again. Now, with the card "fixed", the laptop turns on normally with it installed, however, the card is not being detected in BIOS. Would you suggest next steps in the analysis? Thanks!
  2. Hi, would you have the schematics and/or repair guide for the GTX 980m? Mine is damaged and needs repair. My tech guy has identified a blown mosfet and will replace it, but the files would be helpful just in case replacing the mosfets won't work. Thanks.
  3. Hi, it's actually the third one, circled in red in the picture below. Should I be worried?
  4. Hi guys, thank you all for the replies. The tech has confirmed one of the mosfets is dead, as you said. I just bought more of them, and will add extras on the empty "slots". By adding extra mosfets, do I need to do any adaptations, such as vBIOS?
  5. Hi, thanks for your reply! As I mentioned, I don't have much expertise, however after a close look at the card, I didn't identify any abnormalities. Here are 2 pictures.
  6. Hi guys, Would someone have the schematics and/or repair guide for the GTX 980M? Mine stopped outputting video 3 days ago, no longer shows up in BIOS. After turning my laptop (Alienware 17 R1) off and on again, now my power cable shuts down as soon as I plug it into the laptop (the blue cable light). I removed the card, and the laptop now properly turns on again. Tried cleaning the card, reinstalling it, however the laptop won't turn when the card is installed. Since I don't have the equipment/knowledge to repair the card myself, I'll take it to a technician, however having the schematic and repair guide to share with the technician would be of great help. Any help would be much appreciated.
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