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Everything posted by loopster

  1. Overclocking capabilities vary from chip to chip. Yours is simply not stable under these extreme conditions. Try a vbios wih lower clocks or mod your own bios to test out the max stable parameters for your specific card. Which one did you test, 1202 MHz? I have a spare K3100M lying around, but I've never gotten round to gauge its OC qualities, so I have no experence on its limits.
  2. @GuitarG In case you can't fix it, pm me, I got a spare one lying around which I am willing to donate for free to a mad lad for the good cause. Postage costs only.
  3. @GuitarG Are you still rocking that RTX 5000 in your 8570w btw? Impressive mod. I could only ever muster an overclocked M1000M in that machine 😁
  4. Can't remember honestly... I guess I would have to retry to be sure I probably just did cmd.exe as admin cd into file path nvflashk --protectoff nvflashk -5 -6 newbios.rom, or maybe just nvflashk -6 newbios.rom This was from stock bios to, which I took from techpowerup upon reading about it in this thread
  5. I'm tempted to try this on my P3000. Could you do a before/after comparison of performance or benchmarks, please?
  6. Oh btw., Zeht, your thermal problems may have had to do more with the fact that the Die of the Quadro P3000 is just a bit flatter than say K3100M, and the heatsink didn't make proper contact with the card. On my zbook 17 I used a maybe 0.5 mm copper shim between P3000 DIe and the heatsink right away when I replaced my K3100M to have the heatsink exert good pressure on the chip. I noticed this problem (heatsink not making optimal contact with the die) first when I replaced K3000M on Elitebook 8770W for a M4000M, but in this instance it was the threads of the M4000M MXM-bracket just being a teeny bit taller than of K3000M. In that case, I simply swapped the MXM brackets around and the thermals got to where they are supposed to be. I knew the max temps from the same mod I had done earlier on 8760w (replace Q3000 with M4000M). The first M4000M came with no bracket, therefore I had to take the bracket from the q3000.
  7. Thanks guys for your answers. I only had little time in the past few days, upon testing a little further I found the card is boosting even beyond 1800, and it indeed performs way better in unigine superpostition than before. In 1080p medium it went from 6000ish to 7500ish. Annotation, I had to use nvflashk for flashng Dell Bios, as stock nvflash wouldn't let me override the board ID.
  8. Apparently I had this crappier Bios version (1240 MHz) of the Quadro P3000 on my card which I've been using in my Zbook 17 G2 (replaced K3100). Stumbling on this thread, out of curiousity I tried this Dell version from your post, and loo and behold, now my card is utilizing the full 100W the slot can deliver. However, it is now boosting to a whopping 1746 MHz, and not only to 1493, as indicated in the GPU-Z readout. I don't mind that at all, temps with max. 75°C are well within sound range, but I was wondering why the huge boost difference? Is that a false readout, or can anyone explain a bit further?
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