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Everything posted by Blacky

  1. we could structure the forum like it was before on NBR. It had two subsections: Owner's lounge Reviews We could also have a third folder: Guides and technical support -> that's where the Clevo BIOS thread should be
  2. Awesome work, let's make the new NBR forum super popular again.

  3. Did you try disabling hybrid graphics? The cable can also be the culprint.
  4. That's the problem. I think we should try to import the archived forums as threads in this new forum, otherwise they will become uncrawlable. Often I used google to search through the old NBR forum.
  5. just wanted to say hello to our new home
  6. This topic also needs to get archived http://forum.notebookreview.com/forums/hardware-components-and-aftermarket-upgrades.27/
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