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Everything posted by Alfly_Alyx

  1. Hi everyone, My issue isn't solved. I am in holiday for a week and I manage to fix it. Does someone has an idea?
  2. Hi everyone, Happy New Year 2025! My X170KM doesn't start after an EC update. No lights come on when the power supply is plugged in, so I suppose something went wrong during the EC update. I located two chips under the keyboard and another one under the NVMe slots. I used my CH341 to read the chips. The one under the NVMe slots is empty, while one under the keyboard looks like the EC chip (it was marked "ITE" when I read it with the CH341, and the memory size is only 8MB). The last one, in a WSON8 package, seems to be the UEFI chip (I would need to sacrifice my SOIC clip to access it). I reflashed both the EC and UEFI chips, but the computer is still unresponsive. Do you have an idea what's wrong? Thank you.
  3. This post is old but I wanted to give my opinion. I own both and I noticed no siginificant differents, only few degrees less with the left one. In my opinion the right one is for high W CPU (as said below). My setting is 7700 and GTX1070. The models for the 17" is much better, and give less temps. I don't remember how much less (I tested its in 2018). There is another model from China made by CNC, but expensive (400 euros about). I am not rich enough.
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