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Everything posted by emcze

  1. Hi, I decided to upgrade my "new" M18X R2. First GPU and CPU. Originally I had 3740QM with one pipe heatsink. I bought 3940XM and three pipes heatsink. I bought liquid metal too. I installed CPU in slot and used Conductonaut BIOS recognized XM at start. Time to tests....
  2. Hi. Is still on the way. Should be this week. Few days ago I pick up 3940XM and triple pipes CPU heatsink. I have liquid metal from ThermalGrizzly. I only wait for RTX3000 to put everything inside ( I don't want to disasembly m18x again and again and... ) Meanwhile my key "w" from m18x keyboard stop working. In Poland is houndred blue tape keyboard from m17x r1, r2, r3 and m18x r1 but zero with green tape keyboard from m17x r4 / m18x r2. Can anyone help ?
  3. I promise 🙂 This forum is awesome, you all are awesome. It is great info for me, this display is not comparable to 60Hz and it would be bad if it was the only one in the home left on GTX6xx/7xx
  4. I wait for Aetina GPU. I paid 360 USD and don't want to pay another 400 USD for second HP 🙂 In free time I build tube amplifiers, DACs and streamers and I think I can make some additional heatsink for this mosfet in my workshop.
  5. I wait for this info. Only SG mode and .inf... but HP need to prepare heatsink in m18x r2.
  6. Did you tried install "Compal embadded system driver" ?? It is Dell driver R188622. I had the same problem in my son m17x r4 after installed this driver GPU fan started to works.
  7. Sounds good ! Aetina 360 USD - HP 400 USD Seller wrote to me: "Yes, I have a client who installed RTX3000 on the M18X R2 computer and it was successfully upgraded, but I am not sure if you have technical support" notebooktalk will be my tech support 😉 The same seller has RTX4000 from HP - 540 USD My m18x r2 had GTX680m but I put it to m17x r4 with 120hz 3D display ( my son 680 was burned ). I took hd7970 from second son m17x r4 because was problem with driver Windows 11 and he works now with quadro k4100m We play cards 🙂 My originall heatsink sticker is Nvidia 100W and works without mods with hd7970 ( Thermal grizzly pads and kryonaut paste, max temp over GPU burner is under 80 C ), I have second NVGTX 100W for SLI too.
  8. Yes, looks the same: but in Poland I have two HP card for sell if will be better choice: I checked and I ordered with 1.8V adapter. Does Aetina/PNY/Adlink and HP card need to be flashed to work with m18x r2 ??
  9. One more time thank you very much. I should have it in friday: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.com%2FABSOK-CH341A-Programmer-Module-Adapter%2Fdp%2FB08HH6CPVF&psig=AOvVaw3fV93envK5kCcmV2Y-i5i1&ust=1717064382898000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBIQjRxqFwoTCKiX8cDRsoYDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE ( I'm sure that I can do it 🙂- I earned a degree in electronics and computer hardware 30 years ago... it was IBM XT / AT time and first 386SX / DX and 486 processors ) Do you know something about MXM-RTX3000/Getec card ??
  10. I'm not shure but one year ago works with Alienware, I tried on m17x r4, second m17x r4 120hz and my m18x r2 the same was with M3000M but probably problem was in HP vbios. I afraid that is broken. Is it possible to reflash vbios if card is not detected ?? I hope that RTX3000M will works it is GETEC card ( whatever it is ) 🙂
  11. I changed it and it works . I have both card in device manager Thank you very much. Now I'm ready for RTX3000 🙂 By the way... I have dell GFX970M in home but GPU gives me only 8 beeps ( checked in both m17x r4 and my m18x r2 ). Does the 970 also need SG mode to work??
  12. Hi everyone. I am new here but I read all knowledge here ( and archive on "old" forums ) few times but still have a questions. I ordered Quadra RTX3000M, seller wrote to me that one buyer runs it on m18x r2 and i hope it was true. Few questions: My sons ( I'm almost fifty but still play games 🙂 ) have m17x r4 with GTX680M and K4100M, my third son has Alienware14 with GTX765, we have old m15 with some ATI too - all of this Alienware has visible both card in device menager or only intel hd if you change to only integrated GPU. I bought m18x r2 ( almost not use Nebula red ) with 7970 and have visible in device menager only Radeon GPU or intel HD if change mode to integrated GPU. Last weekend I installed unlocked BIOS A11 v2.0 but it still not change it. I have only one card visible ( Radeon or Intel hd ). Is it because of Radeon HD7970 or something is wrong ?? On all 5 Alienware I have Windows 11. Second question: What I should do or what change in unlocked bios to run RTX3000M or I need only to put it on MXM slot ?? Need I change GPU mode from PEG to another ?? I afraid 8 beep. In m17x r2 changing gpu takes 10 sec, in m18x r2 about 20 minutes to start. I know about inf mods but ask about hardware side not driver. I learn fast but need to understand what I learn 🙂
  13. Hi, It's old thread but I had the same problem. It is easy to solve. If you use HWiNFO and check sensors and fan, you will have information about old compal embadded system. You need to download Dell driver R188622 and install. It is Win XP driver but works with Windows 10 and 11. After restert GPU fan control will works again. HWiNFO will see GPU fan too.
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