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Everything posted by elbartek

  1. Hi guys, I have a n960kr with what I think is a bricked BIOS, I reflashed the bios with another version and the laptop went from led changing from orange to green and flipping back in 7 seconds to now fans spin, led turns green, power consumption goes high, keyboard colors lights up, etc... so the ITE chip is fine and controlling the ACPI and boot sequence, the keyboard, fans, etc... now nothing goes on further, the PCH becomes hot at least, but no screen, still in the dark... So ok, now the BIOS is read ok by the ITE, the PCH is brought out of reset... but thats it... the bios isn't yet ingested by the CPU, the RAM isn't initialized is it? Or maybe it is, but the BIOS is not right, timings are screwed up or something and the CPU/RAM can't handle it and the GPU is not woken up... I am still learning and don't understand the whole process... However, would the person who reflashed his bios come into contact with me? Would you kindly share the 32768kb bios bin file with me? I didn't figure out if I can go from a downloaded bios update to a .bin to flash?? I am using ch341a to flash and it succeeed at least thats the report... maybe I should try tl866ii... Any ideas on how to proceed now? What test? Is GPU/CPU potentially fried? Should I test other ram/CPU or continue trying other BIOSES? I do not have the original BIOS that initially came with the system. The system has a 10900 es (eng. sampl.) installed and I hear it is compatible and microcode should be there...but Im wondering if I shouldnt buy a cheap celeron comet lake to test ... ?
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