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  1. I got it working as discussed privately! Turns out the VBIOS I was playing around with wasn't compatible with the mutant CPUs, but was fine with retail chips (8700K, G3930, 6700 etc)
  2. Unfortunately, the QTJ1 did not seem to end up working out, I believe the adapter it is mounted suffers PCIE incompatibilities with the MXM standard, the seller mentions that it "cannot work for notebooks, desktops only", but the 8700K is still a strong CPU so I am not too fazed!
  3. Hello Mate! I currently own my own personal P775DM2-G (Same model, just a different config). It currently has a 2070 Super as well as a 8700K modded into it, I am currently looking to swap in a QTJ1 mutant CPU, we will see how that goes!
  4. Hey! I did try that VBIOS, but alas nothing happens. The GPU is still unusable. I have tried OEM drivers, AMD drivers, Nimez modded drivers, disabling driver signature checks, patching the VBIOS signature with ATI/AMD pixel clock patcher, and still nothing sadly. Unsure what I am doing wrong as I know other people have used this card in this and similar machines. I wonder if it is because mine is a blue HP PCB card instead of a green dell card. EDIT: I forgot to mention that the card does work in my HP 8300 USFF.
  5. Hello all! I have recently installed a HP WX4150 (Blue PCB) into my M4800, however I cannot seem to get it to work properly! I have flashed the VBIOS that user MELOCODI has provided (Baffin.rom) however with that VBIOS and others, I still cannot get the card to work. Currently, I can install drivers, but the card will not display out through any of the system's direct outputs (DP/HDMI etc) and I cant get any programs to actually use the GPU.
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