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Everything posted by JeanLegi

  1. Gents and lads i love the honeywell... playing my favorite Order of battle... CPU was before everytime at 94Β° and gpu everytime above 80Β° with balance mode...πŸ₯° Friday morning or evening i will change to honeywell on my rx 6900 xt as well or maybe now 😁
  2. Maybe it was bad luck who knows a friend of mine has no issues with the Eiswolf 2 and currently i'm really satisfied with my system maybe i sell my eiswolf 2 don't know so far i need only a aio for my 5900X.
  3. For me it was SF Express for international shipping and in germany it was Hermes for national shipping
  4. It is like Christmas when i was 6/7/8 years old πŸ˜… The stock air cooler is awesome but i think that my air flow was not that good and a few weeks ago i searched for some good air flow options for the O11 and found this from caseking germany and now the temps are good even with vertical build of the gpu. And i had to check the screws several times because after a few weeks I had to tighten the screws because they were loose was a very strange situation and experience with the Eiswolf 2.
  5. So far the lady is a good one i had a Eiswolf 2 from Alphacool in use but change back to the factory cooling because my temps were not really better then using air cooling. i use some tfx from thermalright one enjoy and voila temps are fine and i build it vertical insight my Lian Li O11D XL i use the pads from the Eiswolf 2 for the factory backplate and that is fine too. Every Game so far wasd playable on 3440x1440 don't check every game on Ultra settings. My Plan is a case upgrade when the Lian Li O11 Evo XL will release it has the option to build the gpu on the side panel and put some fans behind then mybe i will use my Eiswolf 2 again 😁. Upright GPU support UPRIGHT you know what this mean... awesome view on the hardware inside the case πŸ˜„
  6. AMD all in for Desktop as you can see in my signature and the last time i was satisfied with an pc system was my first all AMD with an X6 1100T xD i used it 5 years 😁. AM5 maybe when i write an review for an am5 board but only when i get an Ace πŸ˜„
  7. did you try the latest beta from guru3d for ab/rss? https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/msi-ab-rtss-development-news-thread.412822/page-184#post-6050510 I can try it with hwinfo again Edit: With hwinfo
  8. test it with high performance or extreme settings of the MSi Center after 11min and after 20min.
  9. Running Geeks3D GPU Caps Viewer for 20min max CPU 94Β° with Apex from Alphacool and max GPU 83Β° with One enjoy Thermalright. Honeywell PTM 7950 After 11 min i had temperature limit with the gpu with the cpu i had same temperatures like before but some peaks to 96Β° Both tests are done with balanced mode Edit I do some rework and do one layer of the ptm on the cpu and gpu die and a second layer on the heatsink. New temperatures after 11 min and 9 min are remaining. After 20 min i use the ptm the next weeks and if the temps should be stable at the temperatures i will check it out on my rx 6900 xt as well if i have the time.
  10. ordered the honeywell 7950 TPM 18th of september and recieved it today 1st of october. We arrived from a small vacation this evening (germany) and i think i will check this stuff out tonight. Edit: Nice stuff inside πŸ™‚ and the 80x80 are more then enough πŸ˜„
  11. 1. What you need You need a hairdryer to warm up the front cover of the display. the cover was not easy to remove for me so be careful when you do this. Hopefully everyone knows how a hairdryer is looking if not search for it πŸ˜‹ and disconnect the battery first to avoid possible damage. 2. Removing Parts Removing the screen frame first (the screen itself is holding by double-sided tape on the back no screws). I don't need the hairdryer again because the tapes are a bit damage but for this it was very helpful. Same for the cover where the display is stuck with strips to hold it i break the first display when i try to remove it. Warm it with the hairdryer. The red marked parts are double-side tape.. don't know why MSI uses so much other manufacturerer like HP use less and it is good enough to fix it. 3. How to connect and fix the adapter Today the adapters arrive from china it took 13 days from ordering till delivery today 12th october. As you can see there are 3M stripes and maybe they are a bit to thick i will check it the next days. The Adapter fits perfect on the screen vga port. Removed the protective paper from the 3M tape Then bend and glue the adapter on on the screen too and finaly done. And finally the VGA cable insert in the edp port. 4. Windows Advanced Display and HWInfo 5. Last steps when not everything is working - Reinstall the Nvidia driver - Reinstall True Color in msi hybrid mode, after this it was working again. i download the true color version for the GE77 Raider HX it looks like it has the same display. - I do an EC reset as usual after upgrade things.
  12. Lot of time and some more testing for the science as mentioned by @IamTechknow ^^. Plan is/was to switch the original display GE76 Raider 11UH with FHD 360Hz Display to GE76 Raider 11UH Display Replacement WQHD or GE76 Raider 11UH Display Replacement QHD 4K First attempt was not succesful because the FHD has the 21mm 40 edp and the WQHD had the 40 pin with 25mm and thanks to the brothers @IamTechknowand @KING19and their recommendation for ebuy7 (don't know it so far) I ordered next to the honeywell ptm a Shenzhen Universal 40 to small 40-pin EDP adapter to do it again. Hope this helps others to find their inforamtion faster :). Edit: I was informed that i need to order 5 of the universal 40 to small 40 pin adapters. Finally done and waiting for more information.
  13. some friends had issues with it that it was faster dry then expected after a few weeks. i use mx-4 over the past 10 years and had never issues like this so maybe the words were to hard but that whole MX-5 thing was not good.
  14. better for them and the customers... was one of the bad ass products ever for cooling.
  15. Anlass = ocassion Verlobung = engagement Someone here who want marrie MX-6? 😁Sometimes there are very funny things to find :D.
  16. Shipping is on the way.. i would use 3d mark timespy for testing or are julia4d and caps viewer are better choices?
  17. You Sir... And you Sir... I hate you from the buttom of my heart or maybe i love you i'm not sure so far what feelings are more overwhelming... but for sure is i do it for the science and i oppose a direct directive from my chief of staff (some call them wife, darling, sweetheart) i spent a lot money in the last months for this hobby.. if i should not response in the near future i was punished for this... ☠️ If so it was a honor to be part of this community Ok enough heroic blabla asap after recieving the PTM i will response back here and excuse my late reaction to your posts gents.
  18. I can try it on the GE76 i still have here on my desk πŸ˜„ let me see if i can find it for a got price and maybe i can check it with the 3080 and 11980HK.
  19. Or you just ask me and i figure out if i can sent it to the US if i get some good shipment cost from germany. I ordered it direct at Aquacomputer and it was delivered 2 days later. I use Apex on the CPU of a MSI Ge76 Raider 11UH which i have here for some time. On the GPU i use TFX it has slightly better temps of 2 degress πŸ˜„
  20. The KPX is currently not available same like IC Diamond in europe... Buying from the US 60$ and shipment 30$... That's a bit to much money to spent πŸ˜„
  21. Who need LM or Paste when you can do something like this: https://www.pugetsystems.com/aquarium_computer/buy.php
  22. After 2 days of using i decided to change the gpu back to tfx as you can see with the GE76 Raider 11UH the paste was not well distributed on the GPU but for the CPU it was well distributed and better temperatures as with the TFX. i change back because i play a simple game Order of battle: WW2 and the GPU reach 80Β° and I'm really sure that this was not with the TFX paste.
  23. JeanLegi

    MSI GE77

    😁 All the best with the new one πŸ™‚
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