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Everything posted by biodi

  1. Yes!!! A ton of work, but 10 points for Clevo's build quality. I've disassembled many laptops, and this is the only one that didn't seem like it was going to break at any moment. I will wait a while. The 1070 is scoring 19000 points on 1080 graphics score in firestrike, not near a 3080, but by now...
  2. Lol, now that I have it all set up, you had to show this 🤣
  3. Yep All working perfect, waiting for the 9600kf
  4. @runix18, I can't download your bios, error 403🥲 I'm searching in the archive. EDIT: I found the 2021 original bios. Thanks!
  5. As, always, thank you Runix. Well, the update run successful, but the screen don't turn on after the hard reboot. Only the power button and the fans work. I tried to resset the cmos, but nothing. I will try the programmer this night
  6. Hi, So finally I tried to update the bios to upgrade the CPU (for a 9600kf). I said tried because now I have a giant brick (power button ok, fans spin but no screen. I have a 1070msi card updated to the dsnake vbios). Now, I have a CH341B programmer and the motherboard naked. My question is, when I have tried to update via usb, I have renamed the coffee lake refresh p870dm.rom bios to BIOS.bin to keep the dsnake instructions. Is this correct? It does matter if the bios is flashed as .rom or .bin? @runix18, you suggested me to flash the may version, but I don't know if it's this (the last posted in the OP in the nbr archive). Thanks And God... They were paid with bolts... If I failed the flash with the programmer, I'm gona make the bios acces mod... (sry fot the bad english) EDIT: also, the i5 9600kf haven't arrived, but this bios should work on a 6600k, no?
  7. Wow... wordless... Weird that this actually worked 😆. Yours only fit the 1080? (its listed for 50€ on ali) I may try it as the 980dt heatsink is 50€ on ali, but first I will start with the CPU
  8. Yep, I made it with a modified inf. I'am actually with the 980m heatsink, with temps nearly 80°C, and I can controll the secondary fan with RLECViewer. I was planing to made some modification to both heatsinks (cpu and gpu), thats why I ask you about adding fans to the controllers.. I'm also with a 6600k (undelided and hot) , bottlenecking the gpu, and upgrading to a 6700k (or 7700k) dosen't seems to increase much performance (5-10%).
  9. Thanks, so as I have a msi 1070, I will need the TM port and an IR headset. 😬
  10. Runix, sorry to bother again, I have another question, how it's the las bios for te 8xxx 9xxx procesors on the 870dm? Still needs to use the optical port to have headphones? (witch reduces the quality and power of the signal..)
  11. Wow. The CPU fan controller can handle the extra ampers of having to power 2 fans?
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