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Everything posted by KING19

  1. Its almost the same reason why i bought my current laptop over 3 years ago, hell anything was better than my old laptop which only had a geforce gt 750m which can barely run anything after 2015. Only reason i didnt upgrade sooner because i was dealing with a lot of money and personal issues and PC gaming wasnt on my mind. Playing games on 1080p high/ultra with 60fps+ for only $1000 was a great deal at the time and cant ask anything more. Even now i still get good gaming performance for the games i play Currently Starfield has the worst optimization of any game released in 2023 and i thought Forspoken was the worst, It isnt like its using Next-gen graphics that requires a high end PC to run it property. When a desktop RTX 3070 struggles to run the game on 1080p on High thats a major problem, I dont know who to blame for it AMD, Bethesda, Microsoft or all of them. Its funny that Modders are doing a better job fixing the game better than Bethesda. The game has potential but its being ruined by bad decisions.
  2. ^^ When looking at reviews its best to go by the average score then again a lot of reviews especially from major review sites like gamespot, IGN and etc are not exactly reliable because companies usually pay them to give them good reviews. As long you're enjoying the game that all it matters, who cares what others think!. Anyways going add my cinebench 2024 results too because i dont want to double post. I tried the GPU test but it kept crashing, Probably because of Optimus but i didnt feel like disabling it.
  3. What an asshole. If most people cant run the game property they'll lose out on the sales after people request refunds in droves. Sadly it'll probably win Game of the Year despite how badly optimized it is on the PC. Also right now on steam there are over 300k users playing the game.
  4. There are a lot of videos of it on youtube now but reviewers cant run benchmarks nor check the temps of it in action yet. Its still not worth it over the 7i Pro.
  5. Im a PC gamer but i use a controller when playing racing games like Forza and even GTA V on my laptop, Keyboard/Mouse for other games especially FPS games. The combination of badly optimized modern games and the high price of modern GPUs are slowly killing PC gaming, Not a good trend and i hope it stops but i doubt it will. Consoles are way more affordable now and PC gamers might start boycotting until things change.
  6. It just adds on what i've been saying about games released in 2023 The graphics in Starfield are not even next level but runs like crap on modern hardware and requires the use of FSR/DLSS Mod to get playable framerates just to hide the fact the game is badly optimized. Its struggling on a RTX 3070 on 1080p on high....... I know the game will receive patches to improve performance but this is becoming a bad trend in modern PC gaming, It makes you wanna buy a console to avoid this crap.
  7. More info https://mspoweruser.com/lenovo-legion-9i-full-specs-and-price/ It'll be released in October 2023 with a very hefty price tag. According to the specs there's really no point of buying this over the Pro 7i. Missed opportunity by Lenovo.
  8. That really sucks and i hope you'll be aight man. The most important to do in a heatwave is to stay hydrated as much as possible, Drinking water, sports drinks (Zero Sugar), or Coconut water. Try to avoid sugary drinks and especially alcohol because they'll dehydrate you faster. You can try buy a portable AC unit as a temp solution like @kojack suggested.
  9. Exactly. It makes it seems like GN is trying to milk all the attention they gotten from all of this. They need to go back to making their normal content and be better. Hope this crap never happens again!.
  10. That wasnt the main problem at all, The main problem was that DLSS 3/Frame Gen was only available for 40 Series GPUs meanwhile 20 and 30 Series GPUs was left out in the cold by NVIDIA especially those who waited a while to buy overpriced 30 series GPUs because of the GPU shortage. Most people cant afford to buy the latest tech every year. The video itself is clickbait, We know that AMD will never beat NVIDIA as they're always 2 or 3 steps behind but however its still a good thing that AMD made a feature that NVIDIA should of made available to their older GPUs. Frame Gen/DLSS does invite a new problem especially the latest games, Instead of going by a GPU's raw performance in the system requirements they go by having DLSS/FSR/Frame Generation turned on and it also hides the truth that games are becoming more badly optimized than ever before that you have to have those features turn on to get playable framerates. Games like Forspoken, Hogwart's Legacy, The Last of US and etc are good examples. Also its funny that games requires a crazy amount of VRAM in order to run them on 1080p and 1440p when games havent improved graphics wise in years. I know turning on RT increases VRAM usage but even with it off it still uses a lot of VRAM even on High settings.
  11. Some good news AMD bent the knee https://www.notebookcheck.net/Frank-Azor-Bethesda-has-our-full-support-to-integrate-DLSS-in-Starfield-HYPR-RX-with-Fluid-Motion-Frames-to-launch-in-Q1-24-and-is-RDNA-3-dGPU-and-iGPU-exclusive.743882.0.html
  12. Sounds good but we'll see. Hope they make the right changes. I disagree because GN are getting called out for being hypocrites and it kinda backfired on them. They should of just focus of what they're doing and make improvements in their own company to be better instead worrying about what others are doing and just do you.
  13. It says it uses a 2k Mini-LED screen, That, the water cooling, and the SD card slot are the only good things about it. Its a missed opportunity by Lenovo to make the Legion 9 as a 18 inch laptop with most of the features of last gen's Legion 7 especially the biometric authentication and the Pro 7i features with bigger speakers near the power button to make use of the empty area or add fan vents in the area to have better cooling. Still looking forward to the reviews
  14. The Lenovo Legion 9 is actually real!. https://videocardz.com/newz/lenovo-legion-9i-announced-core-i9-13980hx-rtx-4090-and-worlds-thinnest-water-cooling-system https://www.notebookcheck.net/Lenovo-Legion-9i-Specifications-and-design-of-high-end-gaming-laptop-revealed.742943.0.html The design is pretty ugly imo but the built in water cooling looks pretty cool!.
  15. You're probably at the overclock limit now for a old DDR3 GPU as most DDR3 GPU memory is clocked at 900mhz and some are clocked at a high 1001mhz.
  16. Looks like the Honeywell 7950 thermal pad repaste helped my 3dmark scores a bit Timespy: https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/98685206 Firestrike: https://www.3dmark.com/3dm/98813963
  17. Others probably will but idk LTT will and also who knows GN does the same as LTT during tests and having a bias perspective as well. I care about it because the last thing we need for tech influencers to resort attacking other tech influencers for views, subscribers and to feed the outrage junkies like in the political space especially how toxic people can be on the internet these days. Like i said they should of handled it privately because they started a sh*tstorm where everyone is attacking LTT and added more fuel to the fire with the workplace abuse allegations going on with LTT. I doubt LTT will go under regardless even though they'll lose a lot of money and staff from this, Besides i dont watch just LTT, GN, Jay, and but i also watch other smaller not known tech channels from time to time which they do a better job than LTT and other big youtubers with their videos.
  18. I been using the paste version of Honeywell ptm7950 which is called Honeywell ptm7950SP as i mentioned many times in this thread. During my tests of it i received similar results as the pads in the temps but the problem was its durability because as i said it would last for like 5-6 months on my laptop each time i repaste. Results may vary as the paste version is not well known like the pads are but i think you should receive similar results and i spent $15 for a 3g tube a year ago on Ebuy7 but now its a bit cheaper now. https://ebuy7.com/honeywell-ptm7950sp-phase-change-silicone-grease-cpu-thermal-paste-notebook-cooling-paste-graphics-card-mobile-phone-silicone.html I just ran out of it at my last repaste job with my laptop and GF's laptop and ordered the pads as a backup until my CPU temps started spiking up to the 100Cs range and pumped out in a month, Her laptop is still fine. Hopefully the pad will last at least a year or so before i am forced to repaste again.
  19. I got the Honeywell 7950 pads on Tuesday, it took about 12 days with the cheapest shipping option on Ebuy7. Measuring it with my CPU and GPU die was the easy part but like others said removing the foil between the pad was a pain in the ass and even the tape provided didnt help much. I even wore a small piece of the pad on the CPU when removing the tape but pasted it together with the finger gloves but it seems to be fine when you see the benchmark tests. I did the tests yesterday and here are the results, i ran back to back cinebench tests the results are great as expected!. Cyberpunk 2077: Might test it again in a month or so. Overall im happy with the results!.
  20. Again im not justifying for what Linus did but most people wouldnt be talking about this if GN didnt make a public youtube video about it calling it constructive criticism which is a big lie especially on youtube these days with influencers. I see it as an influencer attacking another influencer to gain more views and subscribers and causing the other one to lose subscribers and views and that what happened causing a unnecessary sh*tstorm, Maybe GN had some good intentions at first but all they did just added more fuel to the fire and there always an agenda about it when you make a video attacking another youtuber/influencer. I'll say this again the workplace abuse allegations with LTT have existed for a year or so, maybe longer than that i think, i havent been paying attention to a lot of it but there are pretty serious and not surprising with companies these days and ofc Linus do have a ego problem probably have a narcissist personality too. Both of those combined can easily create a toxic work environment.
  21. This is what this whole story is becoming and people love drama that why i said in the other thread that GN (Steve) did this to increase their subscribers and views to their channel and company and to hurt their major competition and now because of their actions everyone is taking shots at LTT (Linus) making videos after videos about it and its spreading to many online forums including reddit, It didnt need to go that far and it should of been handled privately, Its a possibility that GN could get sued by LTT for defamation for causing this mess but we'll see what happens, Im not justifying what LTT and Linus did but two wrongs dont make a right. The workplace abuse allegations with LTT have existed for a year or so, maybe longer than that i think, i havent been paying attention to a lot of it but there are pretty serious and not surprising with companies these days and ofc Linus do have a ego problem probably have a narcissist personality too.
  22. Constructive criticism is one of the most overuse lies on social media especially on youtube. I see both sides in the wrong and this should of been handled privately instead making this a public sh*tshow for the outrage junkies online. I think GN is more in the wrong because they didnt do it out of the kindness of their hearts more like they did it to increase their subscribers and views to their channel and company and to hurt their major competition which is Linus which i agree that they lost their touch over the years especially how they treat their employees, give out bad information and etc, none of it is good and can easily hurt a company and brand. Its a dirty youtube grifting game with influencers these days, Make videos about popular influencers to take advantage of the current algorithm to gain more subscribers and views especially from people dont like Linus and others, That why so many smaller channels are making videos after videos about it. Also Linus's response video is pretty bad, he should never responded in the first place because all he is doing damage control which is going to make things worse for him. Never thought this would happen with tech youtubers resorting to sh*t like this
  23. I think you should try the repaste again because something isnt right, Maybe with real thing or something else. The random shutdowns can also be caused by a too low of a undervolt. Yea the 40 Series GPUs are overpriced as hell. If you do build a desktop go with a 30 series GPU if you can. There are some decent deals for them even for the RTX 3080 and even RTX 3090
  24. I ordered Honeywell 7950 pads (40x80) last thursday from ebuy7 as i ran out of the paste version. I was going to order the ones from Amazon but they also come from China so it'll take the same amount of time to get here anyways. Personally i would recommend only buying it from Ebuy7 so you'll get the real deal for sure. https://ebuy7.com/honeywell-7950-phase-change-thermal-pad-notebook-computer-phase-change-silicone-grease-cpu-thermal-paste-pad-patch-material-1.html
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