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Everything posted by Sydneyblue

  1. Hey guys I have good news. I just reseaved the CPU/GPU screws. Im 99% convinced the motherboard is the orignal Issue even before i butchered it. I found a work around to play cyber punk with my monitor. I launch the game using the laptop screen then switch to the external then restart to adjust settings. It works every time. Im not yet ready to pull the trigger on the new board but im pretty close. Im trying to sqeeze as much info out of HID as possbile and they really dont want to help you it seems which is really frustrating considering how much i spent to have this machine. It feels like pulling teath with them. Im just trying to firm up that HID will update the bios for me when i change the board or i will just have to do it myself. Do you guys have the Bios 1.07.07 and fireware 1.07.03 ? I also would like to do a Video/Live stream taking it apart that i will post
  2. I would consider myself very lucky and gratful i have anything at all
  3. What pads are you using ? Thats a great idea though doing a dry run to see if they are making contact. What sizes are the smaller ones .5mm ? and larger is 2.5mm ? I think im going to try and see how much HID would sell me a board maybe it would be cheaper then Eurocom.
  4. Should i just leave my machine alone if it works ? Yes one ram slot doesnt work. Yes im getting duel channel with 2 sticks under the keyboard at 3200.
  5. I have a question are all the cpu thermal pads made to fit ? I would just need the thickness like i seen up top ? Updated 2/16 How do these look https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06WWDT6RC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A28VADU4WUGJ11&th=1
  6. Its bad enough one of the ram slots under the back cover doesnt work but the 2 slots under the keyboard work. So as it stands right now i have a working machine. I dont have pictures i should of taken then but i was in a state of WTF did i just do mode sorry about that guys. I could just leave it alone because it is working in duel channel. I was too aggressive when taking it apart. Now i need to repalce the screws for the heatsink as they got a little stripped thats a lie alot stripped 😕 but i can get them out and in but they are not very tight in. HID said they have to check with there vendor for heat sink screws. Eurocom has them for 8 dollars but it says shipping is 49 so i dont think im going to do that. Im checking with XMG to see if they can sell me screws for the heatsink and a complete set of thermal pads unless i missed something where ican buy thermal pads from amazon or something. Im considering buying a new board because this is my only machine and them i would mail the old board out for repear and sell it on ebay at a refurb discount or soemthing
  7. Just as a corrction as of right now Euro com has our mother board for 495 US dollars
  8. What would you say that would cost to desolder the socket and repalce it ? I know the mother board itself is 600+
  9. I definetly aprecitate the help 🙂 I gave it a go today and decided to try and see if one ram stick would post and it did. I put both sticks under the key board and and posted and i would apear is fully functional with duel channel working. I think at this stage im not going to touch it anyone as my confidance is very low. I would say i got lucky. I sleeped like shit last night because i couldnt beleive what i done. Thanks for the words of encouragement. On a side note this is the second time i damaged pins. The first was when i was learning how to put a AIO on my AMD phenom 2 and decided to remove the cooler dead cold. I ripped the cpu still socket down and damaged the pins. Weirdly enough the CPU still worked with only 2 Dimm slots working. I was still able to overcock that chip and use it. THis was a huge learning experience and alot of good came out of it. So im hoping this can be the same.
  10. Im so gutted right now but it will post with one stick on the bottem side and will post on the 2 sticks under the keyboard. so it is functioning. SO maybe that ram slot is damaged
  11. Well thats it im finally broke my machine. i bent couple pins on the motherboard putting it back together. I can invest anymore time on this machine. I listed it on ebay for a major loss but i hope someone can make good use of it. THe gpu works along with everything else might be missing some screws. https://www.ebay.com/itm/304356777839
  12. I understand that but compared to what stock was what was the gain ?
  13. Hey guys any idea why this happens when i plug in a external monitor ? Happens only on Cyberpunk
  14. I just messaged HID for a complete set of thermal pads plus the extra screw for the heatsink because they started to strip and want peace of mind. Im going to order that Rockit and go for it full LM. Do i need nail polish ? any recommendation for silicon ? This is the LM im going to get https://www.newegg.com/thermal-grizzly-liquid-metal/p/2MB-0048-00036
  15. Where did you get the copper ihs ? Did you glue it down to the chip. I worry the LM is going to run all over if i use a custum ihs
  16. Its really a shame and makes me want to sell my machine and take a loss on it. I cant seem to control how many watts this thing pulls. In certain applications(games) it wants to pull 130w on the CPU i mean is that total neccesary for the machine to do this ? I am reluctant to invest any money because if we dont get a prema bios then what then ? Its over not xmp. I personally hate CC and using any software to control CPU. At least im not crashing since Bios Firmware update. I would think by this time this thing should be purring like a kitten
  17. Yea just a little concern. Im goign to see if they can sell me a complete set with the heatsink mount screws as i want to upgrade to 11900k
  18. Hey guys should i call HID Evolution and get a complete set of thermal pads from them or should i look elsewhere ? When i took my heatsink off i did notice that the VRM on the cpu 1 or 2 of the pads must of gotten a bit toasty because the pad look not like the others like it was starting to melt.
  19. It goes off red 60c on compostie temp. There are no shut downs but i was concerned
  20. why does crystal disk start going off when i hit 60c ?
  21. Thats good to know about the EC firmware so im glad im on 1.07.03 then lol. The metal pieces holding the keyboard The NVME drivers go up to 60 c under heavy use but since i bought 2 seperate heaksinks the other one stays better
  22. I also i have a issues plugging into a external monitor with my X170 KM-G
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