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ViktorV last won the day on June 23 2022

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About ViktorV

  • Birthday 11/13/1979

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  1. Hello! How does a laptop with a bga processor installed behave? Cyclically reboots over and over again with a black screen?
  2. Bios for rtx30 is not bios from Dsanke, we just took his mod as a basis and added support for rtx30))))
  3. Yes, the memory chips were replaced and the strap resistors were shifted.
  4. Yes, Samsung 2gb HC16 memory chips. Now rtx3070 16gb.
  5. As you can see on x170kmg, a not entirely clear set of modules for working with memory is taken from the H510 chipset and there is no set from the z590 chipset. But on x170smg everything is fine with this, the module for the z490 chipset is present)))). When trying to fix modules for bios from x170kmg, it crashes and the laptop does not work as expected.
  6. X170Smg BIOS modules for working with RAM
  7. X170kmg BIOS modules for working with RAM
  8. After unlocking, you need to reboot with entering the laptop BIOS and reset the BIOS settings using F9, then F10, reboot, go into the BIOS and admire the unlocked BIOS.
  9. The problem lies in the fact that they cannot withstand the load of 200w + vrm of the video card itself, since the power management system of the video card in the p870 series does not correctly manage the load of this video card (keeps the tdp of the card constantly outside the limit of 200w) which leads to DrMOS overheating and emergency shutdown. The solution is to replace DrMOS video cards with more powerful ones. After replacing DrMOS, the card no longer crashes and can withstand a load of 240w tdp.
  10. In addition to modifying the driver for rtx2080super, you will encounter the problem of laptop crashes when the video card is running at maximum performance.
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