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About TruenoG7

  • Birthday 06/14/1993

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    Crazy About Gaming Laptops with MXM Modules

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  1. I can't see the photograph, can you send? again
  2. What resistance mod are you referring to?
  3. You must be extremely careful not to lift or damage anything on your motherboard, I would not recommend moving that, better try to get the mxm type b (standard) version of the mxm that you want to install.
  4. I had the RTX 3000 and the Quadro P3000 at the same time, not in SLI, but if both at the same time, I had problems with the DLSS recognition of the RTX 3000, and difficulties installing the drivers, envy is not a very good friend to have 2 different ones on the same pc. I had them on my Alienware 18
  5. This problem arose after updating certain versions of drivers, I have not been able to solve it but it seems to be something related to some power option. I have tried everything.
  6. All you have to do is easy, I recommend having a battery before doing that. - Advanced menu unlocked bright: Use the bug to sleep! Unpack the file and copy it to the 😄 root location. Then open CMD with administrator rights (CLI C:\ window), place your laptop into sleep mode and then wake it up, then run these commands from CMD window: fptw64 -f bios.bin -bios WARNING !!!do not turn off the laptop while writing the bios!!!! Do not unplug the Intel video card!!!!! No video memory resizing!!!! I LEAVE YOU THE FILE THAT I USE IN MY ALIENWARE 18, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE YOU CAUSE WHEN FLASHING YOUR BIOS, DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. Alienware 18 A12 Unlocked.zip
  7. Using NVCleanInstall and install this version: (1F36.005C.1E26), tell me how it went, after installing this version the issue ended in my house with my Alienware 17, and by doing what @TaPegasus said I was able to solve that on my Alienware 18 when I had the RTX 3000 installed
  8. I have the same problem, before I solved it by setting it to GPU use only and then restarting it to the previous way..., but it seems that nvidia did something that no longer allows me to do it.
  9. just use nvcleanstall, to install the driver. As for the Bios of your RTX 4000, I have this, try it and let me know. RTX 4000 (HP) 90.04.4F.00.10.rom
  10. I had problems with the drivers to be able to run the RTX on the RTX 3000, the P3000 worked without problems
  11. I understand that the PNY cards are better, since they fall into the same MXM 3.0 format, a user purchased an RTX 3000 for his M18x R2 and did great with it. I think it was : @ssj92
  12. I only had it to fill the slot xD, in the end I removed it, since it gave me problems with the RTX
  13. Hello, does anyone have knowledge of how an EDP screen could be adapted with the necessary modifications, on the alienware 18? It makes me curious, I heard several people make this mod on the alienware M17x R2, and the alienware 18 "on this case only edp panel 4k 40 pin 60 hertz with this screen (NV184QUM-N21). If anyone knows how to make these modifications, please let me know so I can carry out this project. I also saw some adapters on Aliexpress, which could help it work: https://es.aliexpress.com/item/1005003740168811.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.664c38daOsCGMb&mp=1&gatewayAdapt=glo2esp4itemAdapt
  14. You can also go for P4000 or P5000 if you get one at a good price. the M18x R2 is compatible even with the nvidia quadro rtx 5000, many users are currently running the nvidia quadro rtx 3000 on it, I remind you that you must have the bios unlocked and run the video output in SG for it to post. I have alienware 18 (2015) running the nvidia quadro rtx 4000 on it.
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