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Everything posted by Antonius

  1. Why am I not surprised that Apple of all companies would have one... I hope that this feature stays an Apple feature, and doesn't become "trendy" for companies to follow. Or at least, given that mice are a single component of a computer, rather than a pre-built laptop/phone with few ways to modify it, I reckon that button mice won't be forcefully removed for those that like them, unlike touchpad buttons for laptops or headphone jacks for cell phones.
  2. A copilot key is cute for Linux users who want none of Microsoft's crap, just making the keyboard even worse if it replaces the right alt key since I actually use it regularly(with left/right arrows to go back/forwards a page in web browser), and I once used the right ctrl key back when dedicated page up/down keys were still around (very conveniente shortcut to switching browser tabs). Surely there will be a way to remap the key back to its old use in our case. Less io than I would like. Undesirable keyboard/trackpad layout with no physical click buttons. That palm rest material looks like it'll be annoying to maintain clean. No AMD processors. :/
  3. I want dedicated pg up/down keys back, for F5 to not have any fn alternative (so that I can only refresh browser pages there, and change keyboard light with another f key), and I especially want physical left/middle/right click buttons. I really hate how all laptops are moving/moved to no physical buttons for track-pads; there's so much room on the palm rest for laptops this large anyways. Just wait until they make the mouse also a touch-mouse with no buttons. :/
  4. I came here for this exact reason, and this was the problem/solution for me. Thank you! Also I agree, KDE Plasma is awesome and is the DE that I use.
  5. This Precision will likely have just one giant trackpad like the 7770, without any click buttons, no? I ask because I use the buttons (left/middle/right click) on my 7760 a lot, and when the time to get a new workstation comes, I will buy from a brand that still makes physical click buttons before I buy a giant trackpad. I've tried Mac laptops with just trackpads at work before, and I really hated it, I'm not a gesture person (besides some scroll swiping), I use keyboard shortcuts.
  6. How would you say that the 7770 thermals compare to the 7760? I got my 7760 a week after launch, and haven't really been up to date with precision stuff ever since. One of my biggest reasons for not wanting to upgrade is because of the removal of physical left/middle/right click buttons, a couple of keyboard layout changes from around the 7750 where already bad enough (no dedicated pg up/down keys, keyboard light fn key being moved to F5 key, when F5 used to be standalone, perfect for refreshing browsers) I've tried the all touchpad laptops at work, really didn't like them. I'll take physical buttons any day, or at least the option for people to choose, but I doubt that Dell would do that.
  7. I'm on the same boat here. First they remove dedicated page up/down keys and move the keyboard light key to F5 (a frequently used key that now has to share an fn use with the keyboard light), and now they are taking away physical buttons? I've used a Mac for work in the past, and personally, I have never been a fan of the entire trackpad being a clicking tool. Workstations were normally one of the few laptops that still have these.
  8. Sad about what happened to the previous forum.:( At least this one accepts Protonmail. I was Chin Chan Lee there. From what I understand the disappearing drive from the lack of cover pressure is because the plate is meant to serve as a ground. So the lack of proper contact means that the grounding could not take place, so the drive would not run in order to prevent damage. I was looking to see if there are new drivers to install, and surprisingly, I saw drivers for Px000/Px200/Tx000/RTX x000/RTX 3080 graphics cards on the Dell drivers site for the 7760. Does this mean that Dell officially supports these cards for this laptop?
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