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Everything posted by pintie

  1. I'm using the evoc porter. the 7670 fits just perfect in the paded insert. i need e backpack that is good for biking...
  2. i did not manage to make one big Raid out of 3 SSDs and install win on it. in the end i used one SSD as windows drive and have a Raid of 2 SSDs for Data. i could install win on a 3 SSD Raid, but it would not boot after install. (tried really everything and used 2 days ..)
  3. chilled air wouldn't do much. the bottleneck is the path from the core to air. i guess you will need 20° K lower ambient temp to get 3-5°C less CPU temperature.
  4. That... my 7670 ist speced at maximum with A5500 and i9 an it was pretty clear to me that this thing will not work at 300W. maybe boost for some seconds, but you can't get so much heat out of this chassis. I have to admit - the cooling is even worse then i thought. But this thing is still the best solution for me at the moment. @Aaron44126 - yes the happy black and amber Display times... when you could se where your cursor had been 10 seconds ago 🙂
  5. mine work with 40Gbit/s (ORICO M2V02 case with samsung 980 pro) absolut perfectly. i'm using the Dell Tool to keep the drivers up to date.
  6. the power supply is rated 240W / 19,5V*12,31A if you use a powermeter on the Wall it's up to 300W and more. i testet an old bigger Dell 240W power supply for a docking station - efficiency factor was about 0,82 at full load.
  7. thunderbold 4 = 4 PCI-Express-3.0-Lanes (= 32 Gbit/s) you could also use the SSD door and the M2 slot - also 4 x PCIe3 a 4090 would not make any sense. But something like a 2080 is not very limited with this.
  8. The USB Rule is not exclusive for Phones, its for all "portable" devices. So yes - it also applies for Notebooks. If it is able to be charged with a plug - it has to be possible to charge it with usb-c. But you can also fit a connector like Dell. And ! it only has to be able to be charged with USB. If you need a cable to run it, it could be anything. And not to be confused... it only affects charging. You can use whatever you want for Data connections. (USB data standards and labels are a hole other story... at least they start to label it with 5gb/s ... 80 gb/s) So Dell is already prepared. because we can charge the batterie with USB-C I do have a 240W USB-C Cable and 140W charger and allready tried it... the 7670 only uses 100W. So its not 240W ready.
  9. yeah, the 5V Version is a perfect USB fan. i have a box of these... they go down to 400rpm and are also extrem quiet. https://noctua.at/en/nf-a14-industrialppc-2000-ip67-pwm but the 20cm is a good idea...
  10. no time 🙂 tried it now with the dell optimal profile 2 times 10 min. Ambient is 19°C. 16800 and 17500. If someone would sell a better aftermarket cooler - i would buy it 🙂 i will 3d print a stand and put a 14cm fan under it. but that is not going to solve anything.
  11. thanks for the help with the tweaks... i did the loadline cal. and used -125mV on the main core with IccMax 255.75 -75mV on P cache with IccMax 255.75 -75mV on E cache all cores 5.0 GHz did a repaste with MX4 The CPU max is 109 Watts, Temps still 100°C when benching. (using the cold profile in Dell software) i'am at 18650 in Cinebench now (6min). still not where it could be with a proper cooling, but ok for now. again thanks to all the nerds that try to tweak everything insted of having a life 😁
  12. it realy nails it. i repasted my 7670 now. did not change anything. same temperature same throtteling. also the heatpipe has a lot of scratches... how ? why ? i have to say this thing is bit of a dissapointment.
  13. i would say i got what i expected. It really is very glossy, much more then i was used to. it is not as bright as my samsung tab s8 ultra. For indoor use its ok. outdoor not so much. for me it still is the best display Dell offers
  14. nope. i have the smart card reader. in fact i have everything maxed out - only thing that was not possible was WWAN. (no option with the OLED UHD). if there would have been the option - i would have liked it without the door. (i ordered in the first week when it was possible).
  15. i have the door - and i could not (un)select it. (i don't want it). but there was no way to configure it. I guess all 7670 with a i9 + A3xxx+ do have the big chassis with door. pretty useless in my opinion.
  16. and i think the 7770 and 7670 don't have the same cooler. i think mine in the 7670 is a bit smaler ? i'm not used to a notebook and temp rising up from 35° to 100°C in 2 seconds or less. (ok my normal Workstation has an oversized watercooling system... )
  17. so my 7670 with i9-12950hx gets 18000 points in cinebench 23 multicore out of the box with no tuning. it has 100°C instantly, and uses 128W power. (thats 212°F for those that count in 1/16"footballfields) so no power issues, but limited by heat. and that in less than 2 seconds.
  18. well i did not get Windows installed on a 3 SSD raid. (tried different ISOs, integrated the RAID drivers within the ISO, tried all Bios settings...) who wants to inject the needed drivers in the Iso - here is a good manual : https://thunderysteak.github.io/windows-setup-driver-injection in the end i didn't work. Windows is installing like allways, copying files to the SSD and needs a reboot. after this it only pops up the window i posted. "missing boot configuration"... now i installed it on drive one, and have a RAID with the two other SSDs. its working so far... I will do some benchmarks later.
  19. sorry - i meant maybe the driver is not copyed to the SSD. i need to load the driver like you said in the win Setup. i give it another try an the will go to bed 🙂 its late in Germany... otherwise it is nice hardware. (got the all in with oled, A5500, 128GB RAM, only WWAN is missing)
  20. i deleted the old RAID completly. and created a new one in this nice 80's menu 🙂 then i boot from usb stick and install win 11 (22H2) - and now it shows me one big drive. i create a partition and install. after the setup transfered all the files it restarts. and then the same message like the screenshot appears. F12 lets me boot from "UEFI RSTIntel RAID0 5.4TB (RAID 0)" or Windows Boot Manager. both don't work. I guess the RAID driver is missing
  21. well too fast... after the first reboot i get the same error... i am about to give up and don't use RAID
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