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jaybee83 last won the day on February 18

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    NBR Clevo Gang

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  1. welp, if anyone is interested: i finished setting up a fresh windows install, now on 24H2 (including all the lovely performance bumps for AMD cpus) and i ran into the black screen on boot issue on driver 572.65 (was aware of that on 50 series but seems like 40 series is also affected). just updated to 572.70 and issue seems to be fixed. lets hope this sticks 😄 soooo, anyone excited and ready to get a 9950X3D next week? 🙂 curious to see if theres gonna be any impact on the max. DDR5 spee / timings i can achieve with the new CPU. held back on a bios update for that reason, as well. will do everything in one felll swoop (fresh windows, latest chipset, bios) once i got my hands on the new cpu.
  2. very nice info my man, thanks for that. sticking to my gut feeling and keeping an eye out for the Suprim 🙂
  3. no idea if ure already aware of that, but: with Asus its possible to downgrade even "non-downgradeable" bios versions via bios flashback functionality. the USB port for bios flashback is dumb, so it basically just flashes the bios file thats on the stick without any version checks. i was able to downgrade a bios via that route, even though the changelog said that downgrading was not possible (verified that i wasnt able to flash bios the regular way). but bios flashback worked like a charm 🙂 dual bios FTW! perfect for playing around with new revisions 🙂 one of the many reason is went with the Extreme board, one of the very few X670 boards that has two bios chips. btw, saw this review of the Gigabyte Master RTX 5090 by HUB, very interesting: VRMs for the core are +2 vs. the Suprim, albeit likely with lower amperage rating per VRM. and the temps are better for both core and VRAM. this likely due to the fact theyre using putty for the whole cards instead of pads (plus liquid metal-ish on the core). it also sports 2 more heatpipes than the Suprim (13 vs. 11 heatpipes) BUT: The Suprim weighs a whopping +1KG more than the Master. Number of heatpipes is not all, also depends on the size / diameter. So although the data looks promising the pricing should be quite similar between the two, im thinking the Suprim would still be better once swapped over to LM and thermal putty. What do u guys think? That 1kg less weight makes me very suspicious....and the putty can do quite a lot to improve temps, esp. in combo with LM. just some thoughts to pass the time until prices come down (and bugs get rectified 😄 )
  4. gotta go for 4K minimum, otherwise ull be cpu bottlenecked to kingdom come 🙂
  5. geez, the more of these tech desasters surface, the happier i am with my current setup 😄
  6. HA! shocker, completely and utterly unexpected, i stand baffled
  7. in this context, pulled out my suprim yesterday: here the PSU cable plug, original seasonic that came with my TX-1600 (ATX 2.4 version) and terminating in 2x8pins on the PSU side. here the gpu socket. all is well it seems. dont mind the slight discoloration in the upper left corner of the socket, thats actually just a bit of dust (yeah my case needs a bit of cleaning 😄) i think in total ive unplugged this cable maybe twice now....? so "should" be good to be used for a third time, which will likely be its last until i get my hands on a 5090.
  8. absolutely agreed, im seeing the same trend here in europe as well. keep holding out boiz, i think March will be a nice turnaround with regards to stock 🙂
  9. LOL having lived in SG for almost 6 years in total that doesnt surprise me in the LEAST 😄 ...yes she did 😉 😄
  10. fun fact, the trio is still available today 😄 also found a ventus in stock for ~500€ less. interesting that nobody seems to be biting.
  11. phsew my wife just pulled me back from the edge. situation: i just found an MSI RTX 5090 Gaming X Trio for about +10% the price i was willing to pay for a Suprim SOC. not quite what i initially wanted, but close enough and the review i found attested it solid cooling performance. plus, its in stock, would be shipping by end of this week and +10% is "ok" in the current situation. BUT since were hyper-enthusiasts and easily get lost in our freakshow here, i asked for her advice on this. her reply: nope, if u do this now, ull regret it in a few months time, once the Suprim SOC becomes available at "ok" prices. and u know what? shes right, ill keep that card for minimum two years and gonna spend a fortune on it either way. so lets do this right... keep the search going! in any case, im just happy now i finally found a card in stock and with an "ok" price. plus im seeing more and more price drops from the scalpers on ebay. are we FINALLY holding strong, guys?!?! is this the turn of the tide? if so then I am SO of you and all of us! keep it up! 🙂
  12. nice, lets hope it stays that way for all of us! just be sure not to check excessively, lots of other users did regular checks of their cable, thus adding wear and tear with each (re)plug and only then causing damage 😄 wouldnt worry about the 3090Ti, Ampere actually had load balancing built in. they regressed with 40 and 50 series on that front, as reported by Roman. thats why we didnt see any melting cables with the 3090 / 3090 Ti, even though they were also running insane wattages with the XOC vbios versions.
  13. yep, right here! im kinda anxious to pulling out my GPU for the storage upgrade / case cleaning in 1-2 weeks time...fingers crossed everything is dandy! i. just. dont. get. it. WHY AMD? why?! it would be SO easy and straight forward! 5070Ti MSRP 750, then do -30% at 550 and u got an absolute BANGER that literally everyone will buy, case closed. but nope, they gotta follow the same stupid, non-functional strat they did the last few times, ugh....
  14. yay, i actually managed to SEE an RTX 5090 IN STOCK and im ABLE TO ADD IT TO THE CART! One more click and i could actually buy it.... what do u think guys? THE BEST 5090 (FE) AT THE BEST PRICE! LOL 😄 PS: no worries, im not that crazy 😛
  15. consider yourselves lucky that u even HAVE SEEN any 5090 in stock or actually know about upcoming drops. ive had neither so far 😛 however, im having some funsies with scalpers on ebay. one of them actually dared to offer me a 5% price drop on his 5090 Suprim card, going from 5500€ initial to 5200€. i GRACIOUSLY declined his offer with the following message: F*** OFF DIRTY SCALPER! 😄
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