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Everything posted by rsk

  1. ok understand and with the dsanke's bios i can keep my skylake cpu whitout upgrade to a coffee lake right ?
  2. first thanks for your help your a legend second i have see a mod bios on inferno forums but i can't download the files even with a verified account i don't know why i will try the Dsanke's bios
  3. ok i understand is there a chance for me to be able to contact "the great wizard"? or there is other bios mod that enable oc on this laptop ?
  4. hello everyone i've just got a clevo P751DM2-G or XMG U507 with a i7-6700k and a gtx 1070 and i heard about prema bios mod that unlock the overclocking settings in the bios. the question is do you know where i can get it ? Thanks
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