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Everything posted by DDAY3493

  1. This specific test was on Timespy, when I first did the test, before doing the resistor mod.
  2. To be honest I'm not even sure, the last time I did the benchmark for timespy and firestrike, is wasn't much higher! The last time I had 6716. The graphics score 7481 and CPU 4254
  3. I took some pictures of the resistor from mouser. They look completely different than yours too! Or maybe it just looks like that.
  4. It's really hard to see on yours with the insulation (probably TG shield)?? How exactly did you go about doing this. It looks very cool though, thanks for sharing!
  5. I'm really happy that you told me this, and I will definitely send you those pictures of the performance. But didn't ssj92 do the same thing in one of the other threads?! I know he posted a picture of it somewhere! I can't recall where. Anyway, how can I fix this without messing up like that again?
  6. Please explain?! How is that not correct, glad that I came here.
  7. Yeah it's really strange, I have no idea what it could be but here I took a picture of how it looks with the resistor mod!
  8. @FalinovI have the M18xR3 just like you! I have done the mod like @ssj92but I didn't see any improvements whatsoever. It's also worth noting I bought the same resistor from Mouser from the link provided by ssj92. The soldering iron gave me some trouble. I will take some pictures after I get home, I'm at work at the moment.
  9. I did the resistor mod today too but, I couldn't see any improvements in power or fps. I have the HP RTX Quadro 5000. I don't know if I messed up on the mod, I will take some pictures later on to see what you guys think?!
  10. It's been a while but I have made some benchmarks in Firestrike and Timespy at standard settings, with SLI On and Off to show the comparison.
  11. So, I just recently bought a new motherboard for my Predator 21X and it works fine but, some of the things like serial number, UUID, and manufacturer information are inaccurate. I was wondering if someone can help me out to change the info to the one from my current motherboard to the new one. Also when I boot up the laptop, it takes a tad bit longer to boot than normal, on top of that the animation and sound for the boot don't seem to work at all even when enabled in the bios.
  12. @Recieverstill got the Predator 21x, not the best anymore, but it still kicks a**. The design is still one of the best laptop wise, in my opinion!
  13. It was actually straight forward, the connector was in the same position as the OEM screen. The only thing that I had to do was put the brackets from the 18 screen on the MSI screen.
  14. @ssj92you were right, the screen in my 18 was degrading! I got the matte screen from the MSI GT83/80 series and I was able to overclock the screen up to 105Hz...it's a night and day difference for sure!
  15. No problem. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask!
  16. I never disassemblied the screen for the old M17/18X series but, I remember watching videos and I would say, that disassembling the Area51m is not quite as hard. The only thing that you have to be absolutely careful about is, that you don't break the bezel and while taking the screen out. Also while removing the screen itself, because it has double sided adhesive stripes on the back of the screen.
  17. I carefully removed the bezel by hand, but you have to be super careful though because the bezel is really flimsy.
  18. I already bought the screen just for it to be the wrong one...the one I received was a 4k 60hz screen(b173zan03.0) and was working fine. Color production looks way better too. But I'm aiming for the 4k 120hz screen. The one I ordered was b173zan03.5 but, I received this one. I think the one I originally ordered wouldn't work due to 0.4 pitch for the pin. Other than that the connector is 40 pin, same position to the left viewing, the screen from the front. At the end it's probably best to get the b173zan03.3 because that screen has the 0.5 pin pitch, connector in the same location. And of course has 4k 120hz.
  19. Absolutely, but first I have to find one of those screens. Seems harder to come by!
  20. Yeah that's definitely one of the worst bioses to be on. I don't want to know how much Dell crippled the performance since then. BTW I checked my connection on the screen and it's definitely more to the side instead of the middle.
  21. Yeah I definitely have to check, hopefully it's on the side instead of the middle. I am on 1.5.0 because I don't like to have the newer bioses on there since it starts to throttle the performance of the GPU a lot earlier if it gets beyond 75C compared to the 87C on the 1.5.0. The GPU will throttle down to like 300Mhz or something like that.
  22. It looks like I have found the thread you were talking about but, I believe there is 2 types of this screen. At least from my understanding after I found this link and picture on Aliexpress. https://m.aliexpress.com/i/3256801553068725.html?html=static&gatewayAdapt=4itemAdapt
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