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Everything posted by DDAY3493

  1. Also I'm not too worried about the G-sync functionality because I can't use it with my current screen either, since I'm using bios 1.5.0 and the Chi Mei CMN175F screen
  2. The R1. Are you sure about the cable modding part? I did see a thread on reddit, where they talked a little bit about that screen but, not a lot! It was this link
  3. Hi everyone! It's been a while, I had a question regarding screen upgrades on the Area51m. Is it possible to swap the screen of a X17-R1 into my Area51m? It would be a nice upgrade, considering it has 100% Adobe coverage, plus 4K option. Thank you in advance for any replies! It would be this screen https://www.blisscomputers.net/b173zan03-3-17-3-uhd-ips-lcd-screen-non-touch-infiniteydge-display-b173zan03-5-338033/
  4. @ssj92 if I remember correctly it was diagonal wire cutters...something like this.
  5. @Clamibot No problem! Always like to help out my fellow computer enthusiasts. If any of you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask! 😉
  6. Actually that nut isn't soldered at all, I just glued it in place with super glue. Not on the motherboard itself but, on the plastic cover or tape. Aldarxt, definitely true these older Alienwares have a long life time. Ssj92 the heatsink is from an M18x R2 or R1 as the oem heatsink wouldn't fit. The 18 heatsink would be off center. So, I did modify it a little, like aldaext said the bottom of the heatsink is cut off because it covered the screw hole. Also on the other side of the heatsink, I sanded this portion down with a handheld dremel. The oem screw hole ports are touching the card, as far as I know but, it's not making direct contact because on the other side of the graphics is some sort of plastic cover, it's not interferring with any circuits on the card.
  7. Nope! I can definitely confirm that I have the RTX 5000 in the Alienware 18, the thing is I had to do a couple of modifications in order to get it properly in the laptop. I will post some pictures. Have to take it apart first!
  8. The RTX 3000 or 5000? If you are referring to the RTX 5000, then I got it for about a $1000 almost a year ago on eBay.
  9. It's still quite amazing how capable this machine still is for it's age, I have the Area-51M and the Predator 21 X and the 18 keeps up pretty well with either one of those machines.
  10. Absolutely can post some pictures! I always use CRU as well for the screen overclocking. I gave it a thought many times that it might be the screen degrading over time or like Clamibot said that it might have something to do with the bandwidth coming from the iGPU and going into the MUX switch. I tried messing around with different timings and such in the CRU options but the artifacting was still present. Sorry BTW if I can't seem to respond the right way, to each post. I'm pretty new to this forum thing haha lol!
  11. ssj92 My color used to be fine too without the iGPU. I was able to get up to 95 to 100hz at one point, that was without artifacts. Now since I'm using the iGPU and RTX 5000, I can't seem to go higher than 75hz without having artifacts on the screen. You think it might have something to do with iGPU bandwidth?
  12. Hi! I had a quick question regarding the Alienware 18, you mentioned that you had overclocked the screen to 90Hz in yours. Do you have any sort of color problems? I'm guessing you run the laptop with both RTX and igpu. I used to have a single or sli set up, I could overclock up to 95 to 100hz, now when I do this, my color looks all messed up, unless I put it at 75hz. Thank you in advance!
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