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simon h

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Everything posted by simon h

  1. For the record, i have not forgotten any of the things you guys wrote. I'll come back to this later. I have not binned it
  2. Still makes me chuckle to see an 8GB RTX card in a 2013 laptop. That sort of score puts a smile on my face. 1080 Ultra is good enough. I think we are at the end of the line now, we have stretched the hell out of the M18 R2. With no more RAM and CPU options, this is the end of the line. Even if a new GPU could be used, the CPU will hold it back
  3. This is not fair....i was rich when i bought my last Alienware M18 r2 for £3,800 and now im covid broke at the moment.
  4. Sliderfra, i'm not familiar with any of that you mention. Looks like i need to do a bit more research.
  5. Looks quite slick. With 4x m.2's you could RAID 6 it. (4x8TB RAID 6)....I would be mad though, 1 more drive for 5x8TB RAID 10.... so close! Looking at the RAM, the options are up to dual channel 64GB 4800Mhz only. I would only go 16GB max here when buying the laptop. I say that because, i would be looking to replace their best 4800Mhz option with much better RAM....overclocked too no doubt, assume it has XMP in the bios. Best to then only have 16GB to dispose of and not 64GB, i think that would be prudent. In fact i would choose the lowest RAM and drives with a view to replace / add afterwards.
  6. So now the integrated is looking after your desktop. NEVER EVER alter the reserved VRAM in BIOS for the integrated gpu, no matter how tempted you are !!!!!!!!!
  7. This made me smile....Had to chuckle sorry....SG mode Ahoy. I bet you was twitching for a while. It gets us all once. So this is the P4000 GPU you have put in then? Looking good there. list your spec as of now bilili. I am interested seeing what people are up to. It is great to see. I have a special affinity to the Alienware M18x R2.
  8. I have just read from top to bottom and was hoping to read at the bottom of the thread you had it working.... Is it a dead end for sure now ?
  9. Bilili, you are where i was except i had SLI dual GTX675's which died 6 weeks apart. I went from dual gtx675's to a single gtx970 + integrated. I wanted to go down the MXM Quadro route myself with NVME adapter as well, but cant do that now. Still amazes me that a 10 yr old laptop can still rock. "I have a 10-11 year old laptop" "I feel sorry for you..." "Dont, its better than your new work laptop, i have m.2 NVME and RAID 0 sata SSD's, 32GB RAM, Quadro RTX capabilities + integrated in SG mode and an 18" screen...." ('.' ) keep us updated and GL.
  10. Just to add a nugget here. I upgraded my original 12GB 1600mhz ram that came with my M18X R2 with 4x8GB 32GB of 1866mhz HyperX RAM without any issues. I didnt do any overclocking, i was happy with the 1866mhz that it was recognised at and was primarily interested in the capacity not speed anyway. So i can definately confirm this scenario can be done.
  11. Kebab Hunter, Glad it worked for you. I have no way of removing the bios chip and reflashing it external to the laptop to try and see if it works. Not sure what i am going to do. I wont rush into it though, i have time. I may just sell all the bits. What i could possibly sell from this is ; Intel 3740QM CPU Intel 3820M CPU brand new unused 32GB 1866mhz HyperX RAM 12GB 1600mhz original RAM that came with the Alienware (2x4GB + 2x2GB) Nvidia GTX 970M GPU Both 3 pipe GPU heatsinks Original SLI cable 18" screen and lid Original 1TB HDD with carriage keyboard works (but no lights - the ribbon lead for keyboard lights is damaged and 1 key is not quite anchored down) Motherboard for parts / repair -bios reflash externally perhaps chasis battery Power supply optical drive Wifi card Im weighing up the choices, i suppose i could make some cash, but how long would it take to sell that lot.
  12. Hi there, its been a while, logged back in today. I waited for an age for the guy i sent my laptop to. The last time i phoned him was December 7th. That was 5 months after he received it. He said to me once again, he didnt know what was wrong with it and couldnt even tell me how far he got with it as he didnt have his notes at hand. I just didnt beleive that he had looked at it and if i cast my mind back to July when i first spoke to him, he was bemoaning gaming laptops to me on the phone, and he didnt like them. So he couriered my laptop back to me and i got it back week before Xmas. Now i know for a fact he didnt do anything with it as everything was wrapped exactly the way i wrapped it, including the plug. Waste of time i suppose, never mind onwards and upwards. I built a new desktop in November, and i have just leached the two SSD's out the Alienware and will be using them for backup drives in my desktop. I suppose i have a few bits to Ebay now then.
  13. I did ask him originally to make a video of it. He said he would try his best.
  14. Well i'm still waiting on this guy. It's 2 months tomorrow that i couriered it to his shop. Called him 2 weeks after delivery :- He was mentally busy and said he would call Called him 1 month after delivery :- same as above Called him 2 weeks ago 6 weeks after delivery said it was on the bench about to be looked at Not heard a peep yet. Must be a bad sign
  15. Ssshhhh, she is sleeping! I still laugh now. She was at my bedside and i was brought a drink by another person who asked if i was ok. i said i was because i had this beautiful nurse looking after me...She added, "so you have a soft spot for nurses then?" I replied, "Well i wouldn't call it soft!!!" LOL...been together ever since. English humor i guess
  16. Why i love my Alienware......... Long story short; Injured ribs....few days off work 4 weeks of hell, im feeling worse and worse Lung collapsed after a return flight to the UK rib injury was a fracture and the fracture/splintered and sliced through my lung Lung bled for 4 weeks inside and out filling up with congealed blood harboring infection. I now had 41c temp, a punctured lung, collapsed lung, pneumonia and sepsis all at once. Each kills people. woke up in intensive care with doctors and nurses all around me, and weirdly loads of people from work. fell in love with my nurse........omg. lucky to be alive... Spent 3 months in bed after surgery playing Elite Dangerous on my Alienware....................
  17. Omg max, now it's said....I only tried esata ....it's a conspiracy lol
  18. I just want to reiterate here one thing. My laptop was running beautifully until ; The stuttering in windows on a few vids and graphics was lag. but then ; I altered in bios the integrated allocated memory and raised it to 512mb, and raised the reserved value to 1024mb saved and exit. Laptop restarted and powered back on......then just powered off.
  19. Where were you when i needed you lol. Its gone past the eleventh hour.... Did you blind flash A03 with all components installed? CMOS battery, battery, RAM, CPU, etc.? answer is No, No, No, YES and no to disks installed All of the advice on threads to do this and that share the same thing in common....there are no pre-requisites to the processes at all ever mentioned. Assumptions have to be made, and i tried all manner of combinations of "this and that" throughout this but not the above. Not to worry, the BIOS chip will be removed from the board and re-programmed directly in the next few days, maybe tomorrow.
  20. Thanks ever so much guys for the support and the ideas and replies, it really is great that you care for another Alienware..... I really do not want it to die, i want it with Nvidia RTX Quadro 4000 and possibly the MXM conversion to NVMe as well (not so important). So i can also say "Ha, meet my 2013 laptop!" It is my main development Laptop running all the servers, Visual studio's, Databases, etc etc. Performance wise it beats some work laptops with ease with its RAID SSD's and 32GB ram...and you know what, i dont even notice the speed difference with the processor or RAM @ 1866mhz. It is more important that i have 32GB to work with not that it takes half a second longer to do something. I have 1 game installed, Elite Dangerous / Horizons / Odyssey. Anyway, I shipped it off today to be looked at by the guy in the above link, he really impressed me on a few of his videos and i know he knows what he is talking about after i spoke to him on the phone. He has the gear to do it properly so, fingers crossed.
  21. As it happens i randomly saw this guy on Youtube. I called him earlier and had a long chat. I have put it all back together and i am sending him my Alienware and have asked him to get the video on his channel....watch this space........... This video and one other video where he takes off the bios chip to reprogram convinced me to call him.
  22. No good though. I formatted another USB stick with FAT32, no dos. Renamed the file and copied it over. Inserted it to the eSata port. Cmos battery is disconnected The main battery is out. CPU is connected GTX GPU is not connected No RAM installed No disks connected Held the "End" key and inserted power lead. Laptop powers up with maximum fans, "Alienware" light on the screen illuminated but screen not powered. Just sits like that after 30 mins.
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