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    M4800 slav-jank edition

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  1. So, are there any DSDT/SSDT experts here? I still couldn't manage to get 4060 working
  2. After some time screwing around with SSDT tables I have managed to get the following result: Laptop boots fine with T1000, but when I drop 4060 in it crashes with "ACPI BIOS ERROR" BSOD on boot
  3. If anyone knows or is an experienced BIOS modding enthusiast that has done GPU support patches before - please contact me or respond here, with the community effort this problem can be solved or we can at least find the root of it. Thanks.
  4. I think some Clevo BIOS modders could help, as I saw lots of RTX mods for older machines that didn't support those GPUs. It would help a lot if anyone here tries to get those modders "on board" so to speak, as I lack knowledge on this matter. This could be anything, maybe we need to patch PciBus DXE module, or it could be some other DXE module, who knows. That would need lots of knowledge and usage of tools like IDA Pro and/or GHIDRA.
  5. Nope, not yet, I got Resizable Bar to work, but GPU is still not visible. I have tried to flash VBIOSes from other 4060-s and that didn't help too.
  6. Nope, nothing yet, tried to reach some companies that have RTX 2000 MXM-A, to get VBIOS from there (I think that should work, from what I see it is an identical die), but not many have responded and no one sent a file... uh...
  7. That's still some result! I am currently trying to modify DSDT to force it to work, I am not an expert, maybe it will do no good, who knows. I will stay in touch.
  8. Would you guys have any ideas on what should I do? It has been solid 4 days of me trying to get that GPU working. I have even built a coreboot for M4800 in hopes that it will shed some light on this behavior.
  9. Yes, this GPU is from X-VISION, and yes, DEVMGR doesn't recognize it, Linux doesn't recognize it either. It heats up, so it definitely works, BIOS recognizes that there is a GPU too.
  10. I've got an RTX 4060 MXM and it is not recognized in Windows, although BIOS definitely sees it. I have to figure out what is going on.
  11. Not sure still, but I'll try to get it soon and then I will see how it goes
  12. I currently reside in Ireland It is more of an assumption on my side really, from what I saw online 40-series GPU with 4-th gen Intel does actually work, although Above 4G gives some performance benefits.
  13. Great. Now 4800MQ doesn't like RAM slot B, if there is a stick there - RAM error.
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