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    M4800 slav-jank edition

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  1. Nope, nothing yet, tried to reach some companies that have RTX 2000 MXM-A, to get VBIOS from there (I think that should work, from what I see it is an identical die), but not many have responded and no one sent a file... uh...
  2. That's still some result! I am currently trying to modify DSDT to force it to work, I am not an expert, maybe it will do no good, who knows. I will stay in touch.
  3. Would you guys have any ideas on what should I do? It has been solid 4 days of me trying to get that GPU working. I have even built a coreboot for M4800 in hopes that it will shed some light on this behavior.
  4. Yes, this GPU is from X-VISION, and yes, DEVMGR doesn't recognize it, Linux doesn't recognize it either. It heats up, so it definitely works, BIOS recognizes that there is a GPU too.
  5. I've got an RTX 4060 MXM and it is not recognized in Windows, although BIOS definitely sees it. I have to figure out what is going on.
  6. Not sure still, but I'll try to get it soon and then I will see how it goes
  7. I currently reside in Ireland It is more of an assumption on my side really, from what I saw online 40-series GPU with 4-th gen Intel does actually work, although Above 4G gives some performance benefits.
  8. Great. Now 4800MQ doesn't like RAM slot B, if there is a stick there - RAM error.
  9. This means that I have to find someone who fixes that CPU and get a 4050 MXM, old 4800MQ and M5100 go back in for now
  10. So I have some horrible news guys. I have ordered an empty M4800 LA-9772P for 15 Euro (no CPU, GPU, RAM, storage, screen). I moved all of those things from my main machine, and installed some eDP screen from Lenovo for now. Because the new frame was untouched and wasn't worn in - that custom GPU heatsink from cicichen went in very snuggly, which I should l have noticed straight away. It tore a ceramic capacitor out of a T1000. Another pin from i7 4980HQ went missing, I guess it stayed in my old motherboard's socket. Laptop tries to boot into windows but fails, it had a WHEA BSOD before. I tried to salvage some pins from an old Socket M Pentium and now it goes to the login screen and shuts down.
  11. From what I understand it will work, but it is not required. I am still trying to find a way to do it though.
  12. I saw cases when there would be all 4 slots working, and it is usually on those ones that have a green interposer. Don't take my word on it tho, it is still a lottery. Mine has a black interposer and also has one pin missing after it was shipped, luckily it either wasn't used or it is not a critical pin.
  13. I am thinking, what if I get an LA-9772P mobo, different screen and manage to get an RTX 4050 MXM, would that work? Ofc, I will disable integrated graphics, I am just not sure if it would work, because some people say it will only run in optimus mode and some say that it will work straight away, but you won't see anything until Windows finishes booting up.
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