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Everything posted by MyPC8MyBrain

  1. we still get 4 full size bays in the 7770 chassis, i believe the half size open slot (marked 5) designated for GSM module can also be used as storage expansion,
  2. what kind of witchcraft is this? and where in the world are we going from here? 😮 i am sad though i could never fit this hardware level in my one of a kind custom build Corsair ONE chassis 😞
  3. i just noticed your so called efficiency cores running at 4.8MHz, even native they are at 4.3MHz, how can anyone call them efficiency cores when they alone run faster then most cpu's from 2 years ago 😄 this 13900k is effectively two CPUs wrapped in one 😮
  4. from my little messing around i noticed CB23 is able to take bit more overclocking abuse than all other bench tools, in particular when i locked all efficiency cores to (in my case) 3.6MHz which is what the fastest core clock is set to, i saw a significant increase in CB23 performance doing this, other apps didnt like this especially 3DMARK,
  5. @Mr. Fox is your computer dead? its totally flat lined 😄 damn that's impressive, what more could you ask from todays hardware 👍 what's the score on CB23 single multithreaded run?
  6. there's been a lot of cases recently of people getting robbed during FBMP deals, someone comes meet up to buy a car with cash in had in the middle of nowhere he is a mark! be safe 😉
  7. i do, what you did so far you didn't even scratch the surface yet, and you don't tweak 3dmark or your gpu you tweak your system, it really depends on you how far you want to take it, some tweaks might not be to your liking but that's what you do when you want the most you can get from your hardware, i come from green screen days, i prefer simplicity to this day so for me to strip out all MS nonsense eye candy is mandatory, for others stripping the system to its barebones is not enjoyable, to each his own there 😉 either way you can still repaste, repad, or even go to extreme LM TIM application (even Dell Alienware mobile now gets LM TIM on both the cpu and dgpu), there's maybe 15-20% more to gain overall if you go the length,
  8. YES! this can be intimidating for people who don't carry firearm or around them, female 100% would find this intimidating, instead id suggest for both yours and whoever it is safety to meet at the nearest police station for the transaction.
  9. you haven't yet repaste or replaced pads right? if you apply LM TIM you can gain even more then just repadding and repasting, and there lots more you can do to windows to run even faster 😉
  10. most of the above will likely also lack the education to understand they can do that!
  11. somewhere here i saw score from CB23 around the 32k if i recall correctly, best i could get with the 12950HX on CB23 was just below 26k (25997),
  12. maybe intel set a new lower threshold for heat? (usually its 100c) how much wattage is his cpu actually drawing during the bench? (he can confirm with HWiNFO32) do you know what's the wattage on power brick being used? if you follow the link above, arrange by cpu score, notice they all seem to show relatively low score for 13th gen cpu,
  13. i was wondering if this is your unit, i just looked it up its 157W for that cpu sku, same as the 12950HX only 8 more efficiency cores, higher clocks for performance cores in the same power envelope, from the graph it seems that cpu is struggling with heat dissipation, it plummets to below 3GHz, and in cpu specific test it completely takes a deep dive at the most critical stage (that indicative of heat buildup), PassMark CPU Benchmark is showing the new mobile 13xxx with 50% increase performance from the 12950HX,
  14. hence my initial confusion when i saw i was first place for cpu on that list i thought it has to be a bug, with that sorted i am indeed surprised i was expecting a much higher scores range from the newer 13xxx cpu line, even my highest 12950HX score not close to highest in its class (though i believe this bin can get there), my mobile system scored that with a 240w power supply which doesn't cover both TDP and TGP running at full throttle together, there are variants out there with 330w power supply that can push further, at some point i removed my CPU PL4 limit and or on another occasion set it to 330w, i also bought a new 330w Dell power supply, i had a power meter on the wall outlet, i saw 330w being pulled but bench results remained the same with both TDP and TGP satisfied,
  15. not to harp on what i was trying to explain earlier with regards to what these bench represent, from my confused example above we all learn together that despite my cpu scoring first place on that 4080 bench list it doesn't make the 12950HX a better/faster cpu than a 13900HX based on my bench results, this highlights clearly the point i was trying to make earlier with @ssj92,
  16. so its pulling my highest ever cpu score for the comparison not highest score overall? edit: i guess it does huh found it here https://www.3dmark.com/spy/33634086 (didnt save a screenshot, i was after higher dgpu score i couldn't get at the time), the closest bench i saved a screenshot from is this https://www.3dmark.com/spy/33539302
  17. my score number actually changes too, look at my overall score going from 13489 to 12177 when sorted by cpu, its not just my rank changes which is also incorrect btw my cpu score is not 16555 (on this bin i believe i can get close to that with LM TIM, on previous bin's i saw 15800+ with LM and even with just a good quality paste replacement, gpu score is low because at the time i didn't know how to get the gpu to use its full 150w yet 😊),
  18. @1610ftw interesting... from your link if you arrange by cpu score my 12950HX score is the highest this has to be a bug or something as my score changes completely, by overall score showing the right score for my unit (74th out of 34 total 😄),
  19. technically speaking DLSS3 is a driver implementation NVidia is intentionally not adding to 30xx line atm, if i had to guess its an executive and marketing decisions designed to promote the 40xx line, there is nothing beside that preventing the 30xx line from getting the same DLSS3 treatment, from what i read with the 40xx line NVidia cut more corners resulting in smaller die than 30xx gen had, a smaller die translate to less cooling efficiency, i am curious to learn how efficient the 40xx line compared to the 30xx line, i believe this is an intel imposed cpu lane limitation with the exception to the HX line,
  20. i was looking for that link the other day, how did you find it? did you had to construct the query string yourself to load these results?
  21. yea i am not looking to upgrade anytime soon, i am very happy with the 3080 atm, in the future if the 40xx shows significant gains or efficiency i do have the option to just swap the 3080 out for a 40xx as it is a standalone component in the chassis,
  22. from my view these are benches designed to test gaming feature performance not overall system performance, my objection is when end user is taking a single statistic ignoring everything else, the 4080 is not 40% faster overall from a 3080Ti it scored 30 some precent higher in a specific gaming bench, that's an indication that in some games there will be fps gains not that the 4080 is across the board better at the same percentage one end user decided on, if i had to guess id say the 40xx series is somewhere from 15-20% faster then previous gen overall, i agree, and i wasn't arguing that its not or trying to make it sound like the 3080 is king, just to put things in proportions, it matters to me because other people read these conversation later on and get the wrong idea unless its clarified,
  23. regardless of cpu being benched directly it is always active no matter what happens it is the heart of your system, though directly the cpu is not being benched it does play a role from its core count bus lanes and speed etc., everything the gpu calculates has to arrive to through a pipe from the cpu at some point, to claim that cpu is not part of the bench is incorrect, it is always part of the bench just not heavily leaned on during a gpu bench but it is still very much active 100% of the time, if you watched one of the posts from last week about "cpu" being bound you'd understand that a statement like that is doesn't have a leg to stand on, and again ssj claims are that the 4080 is 38% faster overall from a 3080, it is maybe true for a specific bench improvement not the entirety of the gpu, side note for me DLSS is just trickery and has no merits being benched as a performance indicator,
  24. thanks you have a keen eye, you're right i don't have 30 years hands on professional experience 😊 you can do that only if the cpu and rest of the hardware is the same! you are the one spreading false info not me! start with the system compared is not a Dell system, Dell has not release any 40xx models to the public yet, next it is just in one specific bench, that doesn't make the gpu 38% or whatever precent you deem hyping enough to type true or even close to reality, in many games the 4090 is showing 2 times the frames with DLSS3 does that makes it 200% better performance than the 3080Ti? btw my current high score ranks 43rd place out of all 4080 laptops benched on 3DMARK 😄 (and some of these "laptop" scores are with full external 4080)
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