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  1. Hopefully @ssj92 can assist you with this. You seem to have got further than other people with the 10 series cards so I wish you luck getting it working properly.
  2. The 675M will work but it's not plug and play. You will require a modified Nvidia driver to get the card to work. It's not overly difficult and there are plenty of guides out here on how to do it.
  3. Lot's of people have tried bypassing the UEFI issue but unfortunately with no success so far. The 880M's are the best Nvidia cards. The AMD R9 M290x is also an option and doesn't require modifying the display driver like the Nvidia cards.
  4. Awesome! I'm glad another board has been resurrected! If only Dell released the information on how to fix this issue 15 years ago!
  5. I have never worked on an R1 before, I have one but the board is dead. I've worked on a few R2's though. I was under the impression that the 600M series worked in the R1 but I'd have to do some research before I'm sure. The old NBR archive is available and it will have plenty of information that can help you.
  6. That's what I found as well. I know it works in a Dell M6800 as I guy here on eBay was selling them with the Tesla. He wouldn't tell me how he got the card to work though.
  7. I tried an m6 in one of my 60hz Rangers and it wasn't detected no matter what I tried. Maybe I just got a defective card though.
  8. Yes I believe that is the port but it's been a while since I did it. Yes, the wiring is exactly the same as for the M15x. If you follow the wiring guide you shouldn't have an issue. I have done this fix on the M15x and M17x R1/R2. Let me know if you have any issues when you get to try it.
  9. Yeah, it usually always costs way more to refurbish these old laptops than you think it will. Once you have to start replacing GPUs, the costs can really add up. It's more for the fun of it though, like you say. Keep in mind that these laptops will usually not boot if everything isn't hooked up properly, including the keyboard. It was a weird design idea which they scrapped from the R3 onwards. You'd think that the system was completely dead until you realised that the keyboard ribbon cable wasn't seated properly. Good luck with the refurb!
  10. Not sure about that program you mentioned, never used it. Very interesting that it let you change the colours once and then stopped working. You can definitely try reflashing the chip though. I had originally written this guide just for the M15x but then I came across an M17x with the same issue so I added the information for that one once I fixed it but didn't post a photo of the service port location. I'll have to pull out an old M17x board and see if I can locate it for you. Even if the wiring connection is loose, it should still recognise the AlienFX chip so it shouldn't say there are no devices detected.
  11. Damn man! That custom heatsink is something else! I've always wanted to use the spare second heatsink slot as an extension of the primary slot. Awesome to see someone actually doing it!
  12. Short answer - Yes! Long answer - Yes, you definitely should try this!
  13. The ports from the R3 are completely different to the R1 so you won't be able to just slip in the updated board. The R3 was definitely released with the i7-2657M.
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