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  1. M2200 is a small card suitable for Dell M4800. M6800 should install M5000m card. GPU temperature shouldn't be a big deal for the M6800. I have installed the Nvidia P4000 with stress tests for the card's temperature around 75 degrees Celsius.
  2. Hello @Aaron44126 Your application has been very helpful to me. However, I have tried everything to make your application start up with Windows 10, but it doesn't run with Windows. Do you have any way to make the application run with Windows?
  3. I use Dell M6800 and M4800 laptops, and recently replaced the K2100 graphics card with an M2000m. However, when I turned off the integrated GPU, the screen went black, so I had to turn it back on. During a stress test, the CPU temperature reaches around 80 degrees Celsius.
  4. What about the RTX 4000? Has anyone been able to fit an RTX 4000 into an M6700 or M6800? Is there a vBIOS version that works for the RTX 4000?
  5. Hi, Thanks to your enthusiastic support I was able to flash vBIOS P4000 for my old Dell Precision M6800 laptop. Thanks for your support... After many failed attempts to flash vBIOS P4000... I finally succeeded. I don't know any reason... But maybe I got lucky trying to go to an older nvflash version... It failed to run the first few times. I then tried to re-enter the Flash command again in vain... Basically ./nvflash -6 P4000.bin -> Enter And something changed... It ran 18% and keep reporting error... I re-entered the command above and it said complete. A feeling of happiness comes over...
  6. I spent a whole day flashing vBIOS for P4000 and it crashed... vBIOS P4000 is .bin extension. It does not have the .rom extension like the usual P5000 and p3000. Anyone have another vBIOS P4000?
  7. Yes. I make sure to always try different versions of nvflash downloaded from your link... And it came up with such errors... Can you give me another version of vBIOS P4000.rom please?
  8. After I changed to another nvflash version and tried again... Another error occurred: "Adapter not accessible or supported EEPROM not found, skipping A reboot is required for the update to take effect..." after I press "y"... Did I do something wrong?
  9. Thank you for your reply. I have tried flashing vBIOS following this guide many times. It showed an error: " Nothing changed!"; "ERROR: Invalid firmware image detected. nvflash CPU side error Code:2Error Message: Falcon In HALT or STOP state, abort uCode command opening process." Please help me get rid of this problem again. Thank you.
  10. Great! Linux version 18.3 worked USB boot in my M6800. And the latest version of Linux Mint 21.1 didn't work... Thanks to your suggestion I saved 1 day... Thank you very much. But I'm having another problem as I'm fiddling around with how to flash vBIOS using nvflash in Linux... I discovered here that I received a vBIOS P4000 file with the extension "...bin". Also in the vBIOS P3000/P5000 "...rom". So what do I do next? Do I need to change the .bin -> .rom extension? Since I've Googled there is no documentation to do that...
  11. Yes... My M6800 has an LVDS Panel. After I put the P4000 card in it came a blue screen with the code "ACPI BSOD". Graphics switching in BIOS is always on. But after every Linux USB boot -> Select "Start Linux Mint..." The fan howls and only black screen... Where did I go wrong?
  12. Thank you for your help. I created a Linux USB and ran it. But the screen was just lit up a black... There was no sign but a black screen. Do I need to use an LCD monitor? Because I tried Linux USB boot with another computer and it worked...
  13. Your suggestion is very helpful to me. I know into Linux from USB. Could you please give me a tutorial on how to flash vBIOS with a P5000 or similar card... Thank you very much ❤️
  14. I have been following your posts for a long time and I really admire your insights. Please help me answer a question. I want to mount P4000 card on Dell M6800. If I get a P4000 card from a Dell 7720... Do I need to flash the vBIOS? Thank you.
  15. Hello. I followed the topic of upgrading VGA for Dell Precision M6800 and found that your share is very valuable to me. Excuse me: - I am worried about how to flash VBIOS. Do you have a vbios flash?
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