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Hello and welcome, I also have a related question to ask the experts, not the same (I need to do BIOS mod for 128gb ram but will ask in separate post) but when researching this weekend I came across the issue you describe (8th/9th gen CPU on z270/z170). Have you been investigating? I see this guide on YouTube , he links to a post on win-raid forums, but when researching my issue I found the tool he uses in this other win-raid thread (the video poster replied something on reddit within the last month). When unzipping that tool, Windows gave a Trojan warning, comments in the thread say it's normal "because of the files it can access", one is supposed to whitelist it first apparently, but I didn't test it further. This other guy uses CoffeeTime 0.99 in his video (but link to tool is broken) which looks easier but I couldn't find this tool over the weekend, would be great if someone here has it. I can't give more specific info but maybe something from there helps you, hope some experts can help.

Clevo P751TM 8700K->9900KS 1070->3080 | Clevo L141PU 1255U | Typing on Plancks

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Okay I just found a link to a yandex download of CoffeeTime 0.99 and other tools in a Chinese forum. I just downloaded the CoffeeTime.rar from the parent folder, it looks fine. I leave it here in case it helps OP or others. I'll make a separate post about my issue.


Welcome @foiscs💪🏼

Clevo P751TM 8700K->9900KS 1070->3080 | Clevo L141PU 1255U | Typing on Plancks

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