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Everything posted by Hiew

  1. The emoji button has a drop-down for all the emoji. We currently have two different sizes 👍 and (100px) While typing you can get a choice of emoji by pressing colon ":" followed by the emoji, it will bring up a list 👍 | example: In regard to the reactions, I only now notice that it doesn't show the thumb due to the background being white. I'll have to fix it. As @Sandy Bridge has pointed out that is the location for the reactions and is still technically there, only its the same colour as the background. (the dark themes show the correct icon) We already have a preview button with a bunch of features, albeit its in a weird location by default. I'll see what I can do about having another theme or something with the toolbar at the bottom of the text box.
  2. Hey everyone, I just wanted to say thanks for coming around and welcome to our potential new home. So as I'm sure I've said It's been very hectic for me and @Reciever lately with getting the site up and running while still balancing work and personal. My goals for this site mirrors what @Reciever has already dictated in his "Its time to clear the air" post. We've been working very closely on this project nearly every spare hour we've had, and its quite clear what we'd like to do here. I'd like to add that while us two can get quite a bit done ourselves we're obviously going to need some help with Moderating, coding (CSS/PHP/HTML/MYSQL) to start, graphic designer (or maybe a graphic design forum for submissions?) We have a few people in mind however it is also up to them if they feel they're up to the task. As well we'll also open up an area for which people can apply for certain roles/tasks. And please if there are any issues with how things are being run please raise the issue, everything is on the table for discussion and always subject to change. Which brings things over to me. Who am I? My name is Kyle, I'm an I.T consultant working contract work for a handful of clients. I have a bit of a passion for running websites, on the side (and for fun) I run a few for friends and clients. With this sort of thing being the side focus, while I was in grade school (age 13) I ran a website for our 'clan' which comprised of mostly school friends and people I've met online. I enjoy this sort of thing. Even though I haven't been an active member on Notebook Reviews, I've known Reciever for quite some time (10+ years), and would often get links or discussion over on my Teamspeak server about (x,y,z) from NBR. Thank you for giving me a chance, it really means a lot. With all that being said I'm more than open to people talking directly to me, I try not to be an "unreachable" kind of person, and will always listen to reason. If you have a personal issue please take it up with me via PM, I don't ignore. Over time I'd like to get to know more of you, and from what I've seen over the past while I understand wholeheartedly why you all loved notebookreview.com. The amount of helpful, friendly, and critical thinking people on the forum are quite unique in a world where its too easy to get bottled up in an echo chamber with a closed mind. This whole situation quite frankly sucks, but I think we can make a good new start at this going forward. My only request is to please keep things here civil, if someone rubs you the wrong way just give it a break and come back to it at a later time when nerves have calmed. For those that are here, thanks for sticking with us! I expect this is going to be a fun ride!
  3. I've been loving me some DRG so I think I might grab this pack: https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/6306/Deep_Rock_Galactic_Dwarven_Legacy/ I'm looking at maybe Tropico, but not convinced its worth getting into. Other than that though yeah its looking pretty bare this time around. Maybe I'm missing something good?
  4. I'm mostly on board for Tapatalk integration for those who want it. I've already looked into this subject, and have it prepped for deployment. I'll take another good look at it tonight in case there's any weird hidden conditions associated with it, though I don't expect any thing to come up.
  5. Alright, so there are a ton of different conditions (by default) to gain points and badges. I haven't touched anything as far as that goes yet but we can set certain conditions for badges (which can also get tied to points). There's also badges which can be "awarded" for whatever you'd like. Example: Automatic badge example: Most of this functionality has been left default (since the main goal was to get the main functionality of the forum up and running)
  6. "Back-up knowledge from NotebookReview" is quite consuming, I'm hooked already... I might be on a different DLC I think though. Do I hear someone might like a game of Stellaris from time to time? It tops the list of my favourite games, but I need to take 6-month breaks, apparently.
  7. I was thinking the same thing, nothing get contributed when someone does that without a post to back up the negative point. However I suppose there can always be arguments both ways. I'm taking it off and probably make a poll about it later instead.
  8. When you click the + button it will add it to a queue which is shown at the bottom right of the page . Or you can click on the text for other options Then click on the text box to reply you can click the "quote x post" button and it will insert it into your reply. @joikansai @mentions work great as well as when you hover over it will show you more options Signature settings are under "account settings" https://efgxt.net/settings/signature/
  9. Below are a couple features of the forum I can think of off the top of my head. Let me know what you think about them in the : Site suggestions: https://efgxt.net/forum/50-site-suggestions/ section of the forum. To be Implemented / Features 2FA -enabled from launch Email registrations/password recovery -enabled from launch Entire website is HTTPS/SSL -enabled from launch Initial forum structure -most forums created | Subject to change) (all requests go to site suggestions) Automatic image/video embedding and resizing. -enabled from launch (resized to fit & compressed large images for web (high quality)) Dark theme -enabled with more styles coming very soon! (accessible from the bottom of the screen) Daily backups -enabled | monthly snapshots | offsite backups | will explain and expand on this later Clubs -enabled | Subject to change (create your own section of the forum and open it to the public or keep it closed) Calendar -enabled (does anyone use this? Well we've got one anyway.) Rich-Text editor -enabled for posts/signatures (WYSIWYG) with backward compatibility for automatic BBCode conversion to Rich-Text Moderator/Moderator control panel & tools -enabled | Subject to change Friendly URLs -enabled | https://efgxt.net/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&rss=1&id=123 --> https://efgxt.net/forum/id-?? CAPTCHA -enabled | Using reCAPTCHA invisible (unless people like picking out sidewalks, I felt invisible was best!) https://www.google.com/recaptcha/about/ Up in the Air and up to Member Feedback Integrated Front page? (with forum user permissions/account) Forum content potentially displayed on a website style page? Blogs? (Their own spot to make an article, maybe for donator status?) Tiered? Downloads/Storage/file sharing for VIP/Donator (with store possibly?)
  10. Inverted is the default white theme I manually modified quickly to make it serviceable. Bravo6 is just another theme I've installed. I think its looking a bit better, but kind of bland as is. When I get a bit more time we can start making tweaks, changing colours, or just getting a new theme altogether. The goal is to get a theme or several themes that everyone enjoys (without using something like dark reader). The only issue with themes not based on stock would be different UI elements which could end up being confusing to people. As a side note we can also do some CSS editing to move whichever UI elements we like.
  11. Hiew


    I liked the extra features Merlin had to offer but you may not need the extra features (asus' firmware is one of the best stock options out there) https://www.asuswrt-merlin.net/features
  12. Absolutely! That's actually one of the things higher on the list. Additional Emoji will be added to this list to fit more types of "reactions" I've also been mulling over a "negative reaction" emoji but that will need special care to ensure abuse isn't possible. Yes! I'll increase this to 20 for the moment however the whole points system does need a lot of adjustments. In the coming while there will be multiple group types for members with ability to "rank up" social aspects such as this. eg. Rank 1 | <100 points or something: 10 reactions/day 10mb storage for images Rank 2 | <200 points | : 20 reactions/day 15mb storage.... But this is something that will be done at a later time. As it stands: members currently have unlimited time to edit their posts while everyone figures out how to adjust. I kept it open for now to ensure that everyone can post everything they need, HOWEVER I don't want to see karma farming then have posts completely edited/changed. Moderator tools have the ability to see all edits, though it may still be better to put a hard limit after a while. In the future additional permissions can be given to group(s) or member(s) to edit certain areas of the forum or perhaps down the pipeline they can be escalated to an "article" (static pages). I feel for the time being this tool will be keeping people "honest". or at least can be checked to see if they are 😉 I can definitely look into getting this tweaked! But this solution will require some back end modifications. I think for the moment this will have to be put on the back-burner until higher priority items get sorted.
  13. Welcome to NBR 3.1B. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  14. Welcome to NBR 3.1B. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  15. Welcome to NBR 3.1B. Please feel free to browse around and get to know the others. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

  16. Hiew


    I recently switched off of that router due to it not being supported anymore. But that page is definitely not as it should. You might need to just schedule a day for downtime and a couple hours sadly.
  17. Hiew


    Angry IP scanner works great, top of the legendary status for that sort of thing. Static IP addresses can be bound to hardware MAC addresses easily and without restarting the router. I believe its just LAN -> DHCP (or DHCP server) Look for the device's MAC you want to bind on the drop down list and assign it an IP (taken from asus' website) I hear ya, gotta get Board approval first, ha! Its a tedious as hell process too unfortunately. *** Just remember though if you assign an IP address that is already taken you might need to unplug all devices and reboot. Best way forward is to assign them their currently leased IP addresses to avoid conflict ***
  18. Hiew


    I used to have the RT-AC66U which is fairly similar but pretty old at this point. Good choice on using Merlin, it was my choice as well once I weeded out the others (Tomato, DDWRT..etc) I had very few problems however they were generally reserved to issues which were related to port forwarding rules not correctly applying. Apparently the clients list function on Merlin is closed source by Asus. And now that you mention it, I do remember wireless clients not showing in the client list, but did show my hard-wired devices. Assuming you're on Windows have you tried running: arp -a in command prompt? This command shows devices on the same network. You can also use a program like Glasswire. If all else fails factory reset then re-flash maybe?
  19. I LOVED Valheim, I played that game in 2021 for probably 3 days straight while in isolation. I just recently did another play-through but modded the server. Definitely recommend! How is GW2 now? I played that religiously when it came out, running a PvE guild of 500 (mostly fodder) and a PvP guild with around 100. But I burnt out pretty quick once they introduced the first living world and work started taking over. A couple of my old gaming buddies started up a New World company but I couldn't get into it though, not enough polish to the game yet. I've been fairly busy lately but in my spare time I'm gaming on some Anno 1800, with the occasional Deep Rock Galactic.
  20. Thanks! We've spent a while getting it running fast and stable, listening to suggestions, and tweaking. There's still a lot left to do but I think we've got a nice platform to build on with plenty room to expand should the need arise.
  21. - Member Editing grace period changed to indefinite. All Edits are saved on the backend (to maintain integrity).
  22. - Added BBcode parsing for posts. Useful if copying posts over to retain formatting from Forum without rich-text support. Any BBcode inserted will be converted to rich-text (WYSIWYG)
  23. Please message me @Hiew or @Reciever in regard to getting anything fixed or changed. And keep in mind that pretty much everything is subject to change. The goal for me is to create something that everyone wants to use and enjoy, while having the assurance its not going anywhere. Everything here will be updated and backed up securely. If you have a suggestion, new feature, theme colours...etc (we'll have both a dark and a light theme, which can be changed at the bottom of the screen ) Site suggestions: https://efgxt.net/forum/50-site-suggestions/ Check out the clubs section, and let us know what you think in the site suggestions. https://efgxt.net/clubs/ There's a few more features I'm looking at rolling out the next while. subject to change
  24. Hiew


    👍 This test is
  25. Hiew


    The test is being conducted
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