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Everything posted by ratchetnclank

  1. I loved the design of the r4 and the blue looks awesome. Really well done!
  2. I'm looking forward to jumping back into night city on tuesday for the new expansion.
  3. Playing Hades. Really enjoying it, challenging enough to be engaging without being insurmountable. Beat it 3 times so far and trying to get the rest of the story and tryout new builds.
  4. Just a warning, RDR2 is really slow paced. All the animations and stuff are slow, looting bodies ect takes ages. The game is good but the slow pace of it took me a while to ignore.
  5. It's just fluid platforming with some crazy weapons. It's relatively simple in gameplay but i just find it really satisfying this is also one of the better entries in the series too.
  6. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart It looks fantastic and there just isn't many platformers out there with the same level of quality as this.
  7. I didn't even use the sticky peel things they didn't seem much use when i tried. I think my problem was that my sheet has bent and cracked in the post so some bits weren't really adhered to the surrounding bits of the pad and instead stuck to the film, i could of probably salvaged it if i cared enough but i had plenty spare anyway.
  8. This might be a dumb question but have you set the off switch on all overclock options in AWCC? For example in the old AWCC you have to set this switch to disabled for throttlestop to work .
  9. Sourdough pizza, yes i enjoy pineapple on pizza 😄
  10. It was the pad. Had some issues with some bits of the pad sticking to the top plastic or bottom and coming away from the rest of the pad so i'm glad a bought a much bigger piece than i needed as i had some wastage. I'm really impressed with it so far i've not had any thermal paste application have such a dramatic effect before only ever a couple of degrees difference normally 2-5c tops. I also got a score of 15600 on a cinebench score for my 10900k which is higher than i've ever managed before.
  11. So my ptm7950 arrived this weekend and i've applied to my laptop. I was thermal throttling at 100'c on cinebench before and it now stays under 90c. GPU was also hitting 86c and now doesn't go past 72c. The paste i was using before was noctua H1 paste.
  12. Awesome. Thought it sounded wrong. Mines from ebay so i guess i'll see if it's decent or not.
  13. I just bought a PTM 7950 pad for use in my area51m r2, but i read that it shouldn't be used on a ihs and only on delidded cpu's because the ihs won't get hot enough to melt the pad. Is there any truth to that? i would of thought the ihs gets plenty hot.
  14. I look forward to trying it in a few years then. If the desktop 4090 has to run dlss performance to get 60fps then a laptop class gpu has no chance.
  15. I also use my ifixit tech kit which is fantastic. In this case i'm almost certain it was the screw were too tight since the other 54 screws of the same ph000 type removed without problem.
  16. Just had to fully disassemble the wifes area 51m r2 to replace the keyboard and have spent a couple of hours trying to get out 3 of the (57!) PH000 screws from the back of the keyboard holding it in place since dell seems to have over tightened them so much at the factory and the steel for the screws is so soft as soon as you try to unscrew them the top rounds off. Thanks Dell. Anyway after much annoyance i ended up drilling the heads and cutting the flattened head off with a knife. Just wanted to rant as it made what should of been a 1-2 hour job into a almost all day affair. Phillips head screws suck in general and PH000 the most. Can't we all just accept torx?
  17. @ssj92 Is that with stock paste too or have you repasted now?
  18. Damn. Sorry to hear. I won't ever touch LM pastes for this reason they just aren't worth the gains in performance with the increased risk. Seeing dells handywork on the thermal paste on my machine i'm sure they send out machines with the liquid metal already everywhere and those are just ticking timebombs.
  19. Alienware are very hit and miss with their products although more miss than hit recently. The first gen of their products always have stupid decisions like flipped motherboards, inadequate cooling, lack of vapour chamber or cheap VRM's or everyone's favourite tripod heatsink. Honestly they aren't going to get any better until they fire that Travis North idiot and start building solutions for the specs they put in rather than seemingly designing the chassis in a vacuum and then sticking parts it can't cool or power. I've bought 6 alienware laptops in my lifetime and I don't think I'll be buying another unless something drastically changes and they build something of similar quality to the Area 51m series again (which also weren't perfect). The M17x R2 was their peak.
  20. That graph is painful to look at. Almost 3ghz drop after such a short time and never recovers.
  21. Just picked up Sekiro on sale. Only a short way in the game is really tough I just don't feel like i'm improving at all but gonna keep at it, i'm sure it will eventually click.
  22. Sheesh those scores are barely any better than a 2080 super. What a waste of silicon.
  23. Nobody here is asking for a smart car. We are asking for large laptops to have great performance, not a single person on this site wants a thin and light jokebook and nobody really cares about size and weight. An 18inch laptop should have a higher TDP than 250w combined between cpu and gpu.
  24. The performance of the 4090 is good for a mobile part but the price is just beyond stupid. It's not worth it any way. Even if I had money to burn, the performance delta between the desktop part in the laptop is massive yet the mobile part is even more expensive somehow? Nvidia been smoking that crack pipe too long. I really hope AMD comes and kicks their arse with the next generation on price and performance because Nvidia have been on top for too long and consumers are getting a fucking awful deal because of it.
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