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About razor0601

  • Birthday 01/06/1983

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  1. Unfortunately I have no spare cable. Have to order one. What could it be also?
  2. Bad news. Also in SG Mode tested with both 880m in Slot 1 it gave me a blank black screen. With Intel HD only it starts normal.
  3. Ok I will try. But first I have to flash the unlocked Bios.
  4. So, I tried both 880m in the primary slot. Same issue, I tried also a spare Alienware 765m in the primary slot. Also same issue. Again, with only HD 4600 there is no issue on the internal or external screen. what the hell is that?
  5. Good day all. I have a problem with my AW18 and it’s dual GTX 880m. If the HD 4600 is on there is no problem. If I turn on both 880m the screen is flickering weird. But on HDMI there is no issue. Maybe it’s the Display cable?
  6. Is there an option to see this card in my EBay account located in Germany?
  7. Yes, that’s the reason I sold the cpu and gpu. puh, long time ago I that I tested it. But I think there wasn’t the 100% fan issue.
  8. I have also a P751zm. But shows black screen. Cpu and gpu are working. Do you know what’s the issue?
  9. Like the title says, as cheap as you have. Sending from Europe will be preferred.
  10. Just look under the RAM sticks under the bottom cover. There is the right identification number.
  11. If you mean you have a short circuit inside the laptop on the Mainboard which comes through the AC Adapter. That means it is possible that you have only one component broken or it means you have 50 components broken. You know what I mean? It‘s not easy to say what is broken. A technician has to check what is the fault.
  12. I have P775Tm1-G Barebone with RTX Heatsink, 330w AC Adapter. Display has a small stripe. what are you willing to pay?
  13. What Eurocom says is not fully right. That’s what we know from the past. There are more cable/Display options as they say. Maybe some users here have this cable and another screen.
  14. Which panels will work in P775TM1-G with 6-43-P7751-010-1N cable?
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