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  1. M6700 has the option of using either as there is a connector for both so panel swapping is much better than on the M6800 for example.
  2. The WX7100 works in this model with the 120hz panel just fine as I've daily used this setup for about two years before upgrading to an M6800 reusing the same card with that machine as it was also edp. W7170M and the WX7100 from the 7710 and 7720 work almost flawlessly with the exception of the W7170M being thicker.
  3. Yes I am using the HP version, I typically avoid LVDS models but have bought some by mistake over the years. Might work but I am not expecting it to work in this case. The card works really well with EDP M6800 that much I can vouch for and the same is very likely true for the M6700 with an edp panel.
  4. The first gen RTX series works with EDP and had zero issues with my M6800 aside from needing to mod the heatsink so there is a chance it could work with your M6600. This card doesn't dump too much heat so it should be fine once everything is installed right.
  5. Dead OS and I guess a large majority of windows users that are still using 10 will probably continue once October comes and goes as there is no way society is going to switch over to 11 with broken updates being the norm.
  6. Supposedly a lot of popular detergents contain salt so that would have been more than enough to kill it so long there was any charge in the battery. Tried washing the board by hand in distilled water or under the tap then dry with forced air by chance?
  7. Some positives and some negatives, wish there were options regarding the keyboard and track pad. Lastly a lot of people would love for there to be a Ryzen version but nope.
  8. One of the more difficult lessons I've been learning over this past year is that when there isn't enough people some jobs get a lot harder especially when there is some dead weight involved.
  9. I guess this is meant for all those pointless meetings that could have been emails rather than for productive work which likewise has also been the fate of Thinkpads for good part of a decade now.
  10. Done that for my 7710 and one of my 7510s, the only real inconvenience is cost as sellers tend to overprice the adapter.
  11. Looked on amazon and these modules are available but Expensive to say the least.
  12. Performance per clock is almost exactly the same while the real difference is that the 3RD gen runs cooler and clocks higher beyond that the only other difference is the IGP.
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