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Everything posted by cylix

  1. AsRock did a lot of improvements in the last years. They are a brand worth looking into right now. At least on the AMD Am5 front they have some good products.
  2. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/intel-core-i5-14600k-benchmarked-specifications-revealed
  3. Bought a Pico 4 Vr, last VR gear that i had was a Dell Visor so im eager to see how VR evolved.
  4. Looks like well get the first game where a 8 core CPU will not be enough anymore. also check the cooling ๐Ÿ˜„
  5. https://reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/U0Cw7l3xkh
  6. Didnt you all not heard what Master Todd said? Game is super optimized you just need to update to 4090 and Co, better yet 5090 ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ. What a tool, like we can expect from a snake
  7. Than you should really play RDR2, that story is like an Oscar Movie, im kidding you not, its that good.
  8. Its not, the thing is RDR2 is a masterpiece that is manually crafted to the last finest detail and Crapfield is 90% procedural empty worlds with invisible walls and bad gameplay mechanics.๐Ÿ˜€ If you like mining and exploring play No mans Land, its 1000x better at this as Crapfield. There you can at least fly seamless from planet to planet.
  9. Hahah, slimey Tod speaking bullshit again like 99% of his speeches. This man is cancer for the gaming world. So people with 3xxx and 4xxx should upgrade to play this ancient game. Also dont compare this with the masterpiece that RDR2.
  10. Lol this game is a broken mess like Cyberpunk at launch ๐Ÿ˜„
  11. Holy moly just found out that Bethseda on their new shiny TRIPLE AAA game didnt include Ultrawide Monitor Support!! So they left it out for the modders to figure it out for free because they are to busy counting the money๐Ÿค‘๐Ÿคฎ
  12. Got this bad boy today for 50 euros for a hp z640 (E5 2667v4 )that I repaired, after a repaste and cleaning it's ready to bench.๐Ÿ˜† Now I need to modify the bios to 1000+ mhz. I heard is manageable if I go further need to change the blower cooling with something more adequate
  13. So lets revive the thread a little bit. Just got a cheap HP Z640 for 90 Euros from ebay (e5-2620v3, 16gb ), was broken. It had 4 pins bend on the CPU lol, 10 min later it working :D. I got a cheap M4000 Quadro and a e5-2667v4 for 100 euro both and some 2x2tb Iron wolfs and now im thinkin to put an nvme pcie on it and get Win Server2022 on half of it and a Linux on the other half. Now i need your help cus last Linux that i installed was 15 years ago (ubuntu). ๐Ÿ˜„ Which distro is the best and noob friendly for a Server? Also can i dual boot without problems on win and Linux on this machine?
  14. Nice! How are you now, is the heatwave gone? Are the temps a little better ?
  15. Dont get your hopes up, this trash dosent work to well...
  16. Oh no, we should bash Bethseda until its out of existence for what are they doing to the game industry! Make half ass games on 10+ years old enginge and waiting for the modding community to save their games free of charge. Also those metacritic critic scores are all paid shills and are irrelevant.
  17. Starfield is a fallout 4 mode. ๐Ÿคฎ This Guy said all is need to. I deleted this crap from game pass, 120 gb of crap I don't need.
  18. Already a mod to get DLSS ๐Ÿ˜„ https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/111?tab=files
  19. I find it a joke, old ugly engine to run native like this. I mean cmon, game developers are scrwing us. its like they are makeing every game only run with FSR, DLSS and skipping the time to optimize native anymore. Thank god i dint buy this crap. m2c
  20. Aaannnd the reviews are out. I knew It!! Performance is bad if you look at the antique Graphics.. it looks outdated, still the creation engine ๐Ÿ˜‘4090\13900K\1440P - 110FPS open world. Also like everyone feared, the world is empty outside the Important locations.. typical procedural world. And also a weak story like all Bethseda stories ๐Ÿ˜„ IGN gave it a 7: Verdict Itโ€™s never a great sign when someone recommends a game on the grounds that it gets good after more than a dozen hours, but thatโ€™s very much the kind of game Starfield is, and I do recommend it. There are a lot of forces working against it, and the combination of disjointed space travel, nonexistent maps, aggravating inventory management, and a slow rollout of essential abilities very nearly did it in. It was the joys piloting a custom spaceship into and out of all sorts of morally ambiguous situations in a rich sci-fi universe that eventually pulled it out of a nosedive. Iโ€™m glad that I powered through the early hours, because its interstellar mystery story pays off and, once the ball got rolling, combat on foot and in space gradually became good enough that its momentum carried me into New Game+ after Iโ€™d finished the main story after around 60 hours. Like Skryim and Fallout 4 before it, thereโ€™s still an immense amount of quality roleplaying quests and interesting NPCs out there, waiting to be stumbled across, and the pull to seek it out is strong. Gamespot also a 7: The Good Intriguing side quests that lead you down some wild paths Solid gunplay and fun arsenal of weapons make for thrilling firefights Impressive breadth of content and interconnected gameplay systems Trekking the galaxy and discovering planets is novel The Bad Uninspired main story with weak writing and characterizations Underwhelming vision of space exploration and humanity's spacefaring future Shallow RPG mechanics with regard to dialogue, quest solutions, and influencing outcomes Terrible map system makes key locations tough to navigate Im glad i didnt get the hype and spent money on it. Ill play it on gamepass.
  21. Oh, that Sound awful...Can't you buy like a mobile AC unit or some kind of powerful fan? Put some cold wet towels in front of the fan that will work better as only the fan.
  22. Yeah same, Desktop at home and for traveling a tablet or Ultrabook, had a Android tablet that i changed for a Z13 Flow because i needed Windows for work.
  23. Yep, the drama continues ๐Ÿ˜„
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