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Everything posted by cylix

  1. Well they are testing stock vs stock. I know you can undervolt the intels, but in my opinion thats not ok to have on a desktop where you have room for every cooling possible. I understand it on the laptops, i undervolted my i9900 on the clevo chassis for that reason, there was a constraint of space for thermal room, but on a desktop and on a high cpu i dont like it. Its like ill buy a ferrari but i need to tuned in a garage after to suit my need. Intel needs to stop with the power hungry cpus and innovate how they used , right now they are just throwing Power.
  2. Don't forget the whole quote, its important. This CPU is for gaming and for that is doing an excellent job "AMD has managed to create an equivalent to the Ryzen 9 7950X3D that is well suited for pure gamers with the Ryzen 7 7800X3D. Half the CPU, more interesting price and yet almost as fast or sometimes even a bit faster. I wouldn’t narrow it down so much here, because it really always depends on the game and in the end, as always, it’s a question of selection how big the gap becomes. Yes, it was not enough for the crown from my point of view because of the slightly worse percentile, but at least almost. But there is one category where it almost doesn’t matter how good or less suitable such a game is for the huge cache: the absolutely low power consumption. This is exactly the point where you simply do not need to discuss further. An Intel Core i9-13900K needs almost twice as much electrical energy for a similar gaming performance, which is meanwhile tantamount to total humiliation. Even the slightly better variances and percentiles do not help much anymore, that is just the way it is and cannot be changed. The Ryzen 7 7800X3D is simply the better choice for gamers, even though the price is currently in line with the high vegetable and fruit prices and Intel rather serves the fraction of those who like to take peppers and apples with slight bruises at the bargain price. That I will write this again, I would have dismissed a few years ago with nonsense." :😁
  3. AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D Review with Gaming and Workstation – Ultra-fast gaming with half the fuel of a Core i9-13900K https://www.igorslab.de/en/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d-in-gaming-and-workstation-test-ultra-fast-gaming-in-a-different-energy-dimension/12/
  4. 7800X3D reviews: no brainer for gaming, best in class for that money and that efficiency is great. Who got those Ryzen 9 x3d early for gaming only got punkd 😄
  5. Because of the Diablo IV beta i started to play again Diablo 3 😅 Act II right now and im leveling a witch doctor. Pretty OP with all his spells and minions, didnt die once.
  6. You can still give it try, open beta is still 1 day open. I mean D4 is a step back to D2, so in a good direction, gone is the fantasy theme, they are back to gothic and despair atmosphere, story also plays a big part with lot of cutscenes. Only time will tell if they achive everything. Right now from what i played and saw, they need to balance the Melee part. Necro, Witch are whey better then the melee ones in PvE. I can kill everyting with aoe dmg from witch with ease, bosses aswell, but with the druid or Barbarian i get rekt.
  7. Just saw the video aswell. They really try to do something for the laptop world, that GPU module is great, and they are giving it to other AIB to use it. But i dont know if they will use it, it will mean less profit for them. More money in an GPU BGA book for the likes of ASUS, MSI and co. If i ever need a laptop for work that will replace my tablet it will be a framework one. I love the concept
  8. AMD chips for the framework and also a gpu module.
  9. Tried the open beta of diablo IV, at the first glance I like it. Graphics and art direction are great, like blizzard used us to. Skill tree looks alright. Would love a better zoom level, I didn't see a slider to zoom out a little, right now is to cramped for me. But I don't know if I'll buy it. Don't have the time for so time eating games anymore. Last diablo that I finished was lord of destruction a long time ago. Diablo 3 I started it but didn't go far and abandoned it because of the time. 😅
  10. More bad news for Intel on the server side. Nvidia enters the building 😅 https://www.hardwaretimes.com/nvidia-announces-grace-cpu-up-2x-faster-than-amd-epyc-and-intel-xeon-parts-with-better-power-efficiency/
  11. Lol Linus got hacked by crypto scammers and channel is for now banned 😂
  12. Generic from Amazon. I only get one warning after the switch, that is saying I use non geniune cartridges, I ignore it and I doesn't come afterwards until the next change.
  13. Got an Epson WF-4720, working fine for the home use, wifi and the tray feeder are nice when i need to scan a lot of documents. Also i can get cheap and good quality ink cartridges. 😁
  14. Got 2 new Artic P12 Max that i mounted them behind the GPU for a little extra airflow for the coming summer 🙂
  15. I have found a very good comparison between the various AM5 boards. Good to look at it for a future purchase. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NQHkDEcgDPm34Mns3C93K6SJoBnua-x9O-y_6hv8sPs/edit#gid=513674149
  16. Good old win11🤣 https://www.techradar.com/news/windows-11-could-be-stealth-nerfing-graphics-cards-even-the-rtx-4090
  17. Looks like the 7958 is an optimized 7950 and what lenovo is using right now
  18. https://wccftech.com/known-microsoft-windows-11-issue-decreases-ssd-speeds-amongst-other-issues/
  19. Yeah it has some dynamic weather , when you go in the mountains it can snow and everything is covered with snow, but its a little funny, your character has only a shirt and jeans west and hes driving in snow storm, normally hes after 10 minutes dead from hypothermia 🤣
  20. Days gone again, they nailed the color palette, looks very apocalyptic 😁
  21. https://www.notebookcheck.net/AMD-Ryzen-9-7945HX-gets-ridiculous-on-PassMark-by-brushing-aside-the-Intel-Core-i9-13980HX-and-squaring-off-against-the-i9-13900KS-instead.700308.0.html
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