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Everything posted by cylix

  1. Lol, looks like FSR 3 works on any GPU :D. Frame Generation on RTX 2xxx and so on:D
  2. W11 strikes again πŸ˜„ https://www.tomshardware.com/news/windows-11-update-causing-bsods-on-some-msi-motherboards
  3. Looks like MSI got the final Agesa out, non-beta. https://wccftech.com/msi-boosts-gaming-performance-by-up-to-12-with-new-high-efficiency-memory-mode-on-am5-motherboards/
  4. Looks like they knew something happend to Madison when she left the Company, shit is going to hit the fan big time at LMG.
  5. Looks like Linus is getting a lot of flak and well deserved, after that weak ass response from him, where he lied regarding the Billet Cooling Prototype and he still doesn't acknowledge that they screw those guys bigtime..i mean they lost their 3090ti and sold/actioned that Prototype without authorization, wtf it can be almost categorized as theft..I canceled all my subs to the lmg channels. He became the thing that he before hated, a greedy ass corporation. Also some ex workers are now coming put and saying what a toxic work environment lgm has become. Also after that weak childish response from him he lost more then 3000 floatplane subscribers..More then a 100k revenue a year. https://reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/s/lmzIZhEwPQ LE> Lol looks like when you lose a big chunk of revenue you go from no WAN video response to a big 22 minutes video :
  6. @jaybee83 BG 3 is the best role playing game out there for the last years, everyone ist praising it. The thing is soo complex and time consuming that I don't have what it takes to play a game of this genre... If I was 20 again, in university and no job and family I would have played it non stop like in the good days. No sleep, no food necessary 🀣🀣. Also did you see this? You're a fan of the first one.
  7. Still playing Diablo 4 Season 1 as a rogue, but not that much because im playing Jagged Alliance 3. Loved the 2 one, best turn based strategy out there, and JA3 is a worthy succesor.
  8. Yeah the went like 700 800km a day then an air bnb for the night and next day on the road again, also in Norway they did alot of ferry riding from Fjord to Fjord. Also they got good machines to ride on πŸ˜„
  9. Yeah crazy they are walking around there in their shorts, its hotter there then it is here in Germany. They are planning to ride down again but through Finland and the Baltic States, so i think they will be ok, Finland weather should be more pleasant.
  10. My brother and his friends just arrived today in NordKap and they cant believe what weather is there.26 Celsius. But for them is the perfect cus they went from Germany to there on their bikesπŸ˜„πŸ˜„. They had the perfect weather, they were a step in front of every rain. Drove 10 days on the bikes from south Germany to Nord Kap Norway. Let's see now on the return, hopefully will not rain anymore in the south So they can have dry roads
  11. Yeah but ill wait, those 8000+ still to expensiveπŸ˜€
  12. @jaybee83 check this out. Over 9000 mhz We're gonna get those 10k ddr5 sooner as expectedπŸ˜…πŸ˜… https://videocardz.com/newz/overclocker-hits-ddr5-9058-memory-oc-on-amd-am5-platform-with-new-firmware
  13. Yeah early adopter prices are bleeding us dry.. got my ram with 260 now its 140.. CPU ..800 Euros now 650 🀣. Prolly the same with the highspeed ram in 6 months when intel and AMD will run only highspeed it will be 200 or less..
  14. How much did it set you back that kit? Looks like with the new agesa ill need to change my puny Kinstgon 6000 CL32 kit πŸ˜†
  15. https://overclock3d.net/news/memory/huge_memory_boost_-_amd_s_next_agesa_update_s_giving_ryzen_7000_fast_ddr5_support/1
  16. This is interesting, AsRock doing a great job over the last years.
  17. For this game i am excited πŸ˜€
  18. I did a thread here: πŸ˜„ Im not that excited, Bethseda is good for marketing but the product is always a mess, see Fallout 4 and 76🀣. Also the games are fast becoming repetitive, thats why i didnt finish F4. So much of the same stuff over and over that it burned me out and also the stories are weak. I will try it on gamepass cus its free but no way ill buy it.
  19. You can also try and buy used from people of trust here or other forums/ebay. I mean you dont need a brand new mainboard or CPU, they work for years used, also try repacked from best buy/amazon. You can get the price like for 30% 40& in total. Also build it yourself, thats the fun part. dont pay for someone else to do it for you
  20. Hi bro, no problems whatsoever. Also the 7900x before didnt have any damage and it ran with EXPO for months, MSI board worked perfectly! 7950X3D is a beast in games, i am using Process Lasso to assign cores it works ton better as the windows gamebar+AMD drivers. No problem with games working on the cache CCDs. Procees Lasso is a great software. Just to be sure i am doing EXPO On and CPU Voltage of only 1.19V. Didnt do any PBO yet, didnt have the time for it πŸ˜„ and i am only playing D4 atm so no need to Overclock the CPU. The Frame is great, so easy to install. Dont know if it did something for the Temps because didnt try the cpu without it. But for sure is good to keep the paste dirt away form the IHS. Also using the great Honeywell Pad on it to keep the temps in check.
  21. Well Murphys Law struck again..I dropped my Phone, an Xiaomi Mi11 Ultra on the road and it landed on the corner side exactly between the Case and Tempered Glass, its like a 3 MM gap off unprotected surface and the display got broken from one corner to the other πŸ™„. Why dont i have this chance in millions on the LOTTO πŸ˜…. So because of this and the repair its to expensive i got myself a new phone: Samsung S22 UltraπŸ™‚
  22. @jaybee83Oh man back from the dead 🀣. Welcome Back!!
  23. Coming back, Cooler Master claims that the structure of the 90-degree cables is superior to any of its competitors. It features 25% thicker contacts and a 45% lower impedance change rate, resulting in less temperatures. While the numbers provided are encouraging, the product's ultimate success depends on whether it helps with the burning issue. https://wccftech.com/cooler-master-intros-new-improved-12vhpwr-16-pin-connectors-with-latest-psus/
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