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Everything posted by cylix

  1. Yeah crazy that dual bios feature is missing but they put so much care building it nice with those pads on the backplate for extra cooling.
  2. Nice, i need to tune my ram aswell still working expo at 6000 cl32.. Didnt buildzoid said that 2033 was the best on AM5? Or was that a bug at the beginnig. After i installed win 11 i found the best config for the 7950x3d chip, so in bios prefer frequency instead of v-cache, then in windows stay on balance mode and turn the crap game mode off and game bar aswell. Use process lasso and for Games use CPU Sets to v-cache, everything else leave it alone. Works wonders and love Process Lasso. Getting a little more fps in games like cyberpunk, but especially the lows are so high as before on the 7900x, its so smooth and the cpu is only consuming 60w ..Its crazy how efficient is this cpu, and with the honeywell pad it only goes to 50 Celsius. Now i need to play with PBO and Ram, if i have time..
  3. Playing a lot of Cyberpunk 2077, with the introduction of RT Overdrive πŸ˜„. Maybe this time ill finish it
  4. Thanks. ill need to monitor it then and see how it behaves. Right now it looks like after a night of cooling the pad i have improved again with the temp. Staying steady at 80 degrees C in CR23.
  5. I see. Hopefully is not my case. Did this came over time or from the beginning? Il need to watch then for signs.
  6. Oh how did that happen? I know on intel those are made to straighten the socket. For amd they are only for looks and to keep away the paste going over the weird looking ihs. Maybe helping with cooling for like 1 degree..
  7. Nice, i also got my 7950x3d today and installed it. Still need to reinstall win 11 and do all the optimizing.. I hate Windows reinstall, I always try and keep it as long as possible, but in this case it looks like there is a performance impact when you go from a non V cache cpu to a vcache one.
  8. Did some temperature cycles on the CPU with some game benches and now i get in C23 a max of 82 Celsius, so 4 degrees cooler as before when i apply it. This thing is solid good. Maybe it will improve further
  9. Now i need to tinker with this special CPU, need to install Process Lasso πŸ˜„
  10. Finally got the new 7950X3D inside, also used a secure frame on the cpu socket. πŸ˜€
  11. I used a wide duct tape to take the second film from the pad and it worked, just one corner got a little stuck.
  12. Got my 7950x3d inside and used the ptm7950 pad, also got a secure frame from Thermalright mounted. I dont know if it helps but looks cool and for 12 euros was ok😊. Now I need to leave the pad for curing. Did two r32 runs and the temp went to 86 only, so looks good no thermal throttling. 😁.. Well need to see how it behaves after some days of work and gaming.
  13. My cpu arrived today and I hope I have enough time to mount it later. I have found an tutorial how to apply the pad without damaging it. I'll try and use it. Looks like it's good to freeze it and to take off the the plastic film from both sides is better to use a wide duct tape and peel it of from one go and not use the thin ones included in the package. https://community.frame.work/t/honeywell-ptm7950-phase-change-thermal-pads-sheets-application-tips-and-results/20245
  14. Freezing didnt work? i was thinking thats the way to put it on. I was planning to put it in the frigde overnight and then applying it. LE: Forgot the ? πŸ™‚
  15. Good temps. What did you use? Paste or the pad? I am waiting for my new 7950x3d and i will use the pad on it.
  16. Good rant and he is right. The prices went ballistic πŸ˜₯
  17. Thx, I think you getting a 7800x3d push me to bite the bulletπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. Yeah I needed from the beginning a 16 core, went with the 7900x only because I got it cheap with ddr5 bundle and was a known fact at launch that a x3d Version was coming so thats the reason of skipping the normal 7950x.
  18. Oh well, got a good deal on a 7950x3d so i went with it :). Looks like ill buy ProcessLasso, very nice that you can still get a lifetime license.
  19. With dlss 3 frame generation I get around 70 fps in downtown night city and around 90 in the desert with my 4090 Thats on 5120x1440 resolution. But yes no chance to play without some form of dlss
  20. Great deal on that x670. It's a good board, I'm very happy with msi and how they are working with the am5 socket. They are getting very fast new bios versions. Yeah need to try lasso aswell when time comes, was reading a bit on reddit about it and it looks simple enough, you can save presets apparently. Just make the config for the game, save it and then it's just a click away.
  21. Yes for my use , work and gaming i will buy thee 7950x3d cpu but not at this price, ill wait to go lower. 500 Us or so. will happen soon i think now that 7800x3d is here. Even better as disable is to use Proceesor lasso and assign the game on the Vcache CCD, that way the oder CCD will take the backround tasks and free the vcache only for gaming.
  22. Numbers from Mindfactory.de. One of the biggest retailers in Germany. AMD is selling the 7800x3d like hot candy.
  23. OH how i hate that EA APP, its the shitiest app ever. I play a lot of BF 2042 and older ones, heck im playing battlefield fromn the first one, i find it the best MP game even if the latest ones are shit compared with the first ones. But that EA APP is CANCER. It disconnects and you are unable to connect again, or when you connect all the games are not seen in library anymore...its SHIT! Origin was still shit but it was 100x better as this one.
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